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Coaches who were fired after 10+ win seasons

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 12:39 pm
by Bryan
Doing an informal research project....does anyone have a list of NFL coaches who were fired after 10+ win seasons? I live in Chicago area, so I get to listen to AM sports radio talk about the Bears every year. That has its own entertainment value, because the Bears have been a trainwreck of an organization for decades. The Bears fired Lovie Smith after a 10-6 season and have had 1 winning record in the 10 subsequent seasons. Ack. The Chargers fired Marty Schottenheimer after a 14-2 season, but the Chargers won for the next few years under Norv Turner. Those are the only two instances I can recall.

Re: Coaches who were fired after 10+ win seasons

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 12:48 pm
by Mark
Buddy Ryan was fired after a 10-6 1990 season.

Re: Coaches who were fired after 10+ win seasons

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:36 pm
by Retro Rider
Bum Phillips was fired after the Houston Oilers went 11-5 in 1980. ... 8d44c3199e

Re: Coaches who were fired after 10+ win seasons

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:53 pm
by Reaser
Mariucci with the 49ers.

Re: Coaches who were fired after 10+ win seasons

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 3:30 pm
by Brian wolf
George Seifert was fired after a 12 win season in 1996, just two seasons after winning the SB ... as dumb as the decision to fire Schott in SD ...

Re: Coaches who were fired after 10+ win seasons

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 3:36 pm
by Brian wolf
Jimmy Johnson after winning the SB, though Jones and Johnson insist it was Johnson resigning ...

Re: Coaches who were fired after 10+ win seasons

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 5:14 pm
by JuggernautJ
Brian wolf wrote:George Seifert was fired after a 12 win season in 1996, just two seasons after winning the SB ... as dumb as the decision to fire Schott in SD ...
This was my first thought when I saw the thread title but technically (and if I recall correctly) Seifert wasn't fired he (very technically) resigned.
Mariucci was hired away from Cal, where he was the hot new prospect, as the offensive coordinator and future Head Coach of the 49ers. Seifert (rightly) couldn't stay under those circumstances (and/or could read the writing on the wall) and resigned.

And that front office blunder was the end of the 49ers "Dynasty."

Behind the Sports Illustrated pay-wall: ... the-future

"The Niners brass first offered Mariucci a job as offensive coordinator with assurances he would be Seifert's successor within two seasons.
Once informed of that, Seifert chose to step down immediately."

(Edit: Looked it up after my initial post.)

Re: Coaches who were fired after 10+ win seasons

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 5:23 pm
by Brian wolf
Haha ... this is the second time I was wrong while commenting today.

Re: Coaches who were fired after 10+ win seasons

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 5:26 pm
by JuggernautJ
Brian wolf wrote:Haha ... this is the second time I was wrong while commenting today.
Oh my Lord, an error?
How dare you be a human being!?!

(Or worse, a baseball player...) ;)

Re: Coaches who were fired after 10+ win seasons

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 12:27 am
by GameBeforeTheMoney
Brian Flores was 10-6 and then 9-8 and was fired. Tony Dungy was fired after 11, 10, and 9 wins. Red Miller was fired after 12, 10, 10, and 8 wins in his four seasons. Similar but different.

As a Packer fan, I was ecstatic when they fired Lovie, although I felt sorry for him. I can't remember a better Bears coach that I've seen other than Ditka.