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PFRA Elections 2023 ... Floor is open for nominations

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 4:44 pm
by JeffreyMiller
Yes, it's that time again ... time to start thinking about who we want to lead our great organization for the next two years. It all begins with nominations for the four elected offices that included President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.

The current office holders are:
President George Bozeka
Vice President Roy Sye
Secretary Dave Burch
Treasurer Adam Connelly

If you, gentle reader, are interested in running for one of these offices, or perhaps you'd like to nominate someone, remember that anyone nominated must be a PFRA member in good standing in order to run. If you have questions regarding the nomination process, please feel free to ask. But remember I am an impartial party so cannot discuss candidates.

**Edit: The committee thanks its old friend Mr. Babcock who asked whether it is acceptable to nominate the incumbents. Yes, of course, you may certainly nominate any one of the current office holders.**

All nominations should be sent to me either by this site's private messaging feature or by email at The last day nominations will be accepted is Friday, September 15, 2023.

Jeffey J. Miller
Chair, PFRA Election Committee

Re: PFRA Elections 2023 ... Floor is open for nominations

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 5:42 pm
by ChrisBabcock
A few questions...
- Can we nominate the incumbents? I don't think we have term limits if I remember correctly.
- Could someone post the duties/job description of each position? I've always been confused about the roles of our President and Executive Director. Thanks.

Re: PFRA Elections 2023 ... Floor is open for nominations

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 5:47 pm
by JeffreyMiller
ChrisBabcock wrote:A few questions...
- Can we nominate the incumbents? I don't think we have term limits if I remember correctly.

Yes, of course! Incumbents can be nominated. Anyone nominated has to acknowledge acceptance.

- Could someone post the duties/job description of each position? I've always been confused about the roles of our President and Executive Director. Thanks.

This I cannot answer as I do not have immediate access to the bylaws. Perhaps the Executive Director can comment here?

Re: PFRA Elections 2023 ... Floor is open for nominations

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 6:11 pm
by Lee Elder
I nominate George Bozeka for President. He is the incumbant.
In case the name of the member making the nomination is needed, I have put my name below.
Lee Elder

Re: PFRA Elections 2023 ... Floor is open for nominations

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:57 pm
by George Bozeka
From our Bylaws:

4) The president shall preside over meetings of the Board of Directors and any
meetings of members, carry out directives of the membership and the Board of
Directors, submit an annual budget to the Board of Directors, and ensure that the
corporate and tax responsibilities of the PFRA are fulfilled.
5) The vice president shall assume all duties of the president in the absence of the
president. The vice president shall also chair the Membership Committee.
6) The secretary shall keep the minutes of the PFRA. The secretary shall also be
chair of the Fundraising Committee.
7) The treasurer shall assume responsibility for finances, prepare and maintain
books suitable for audit, and, under the direction of the president, file any necessary
tax returns, financial reports, and corporate reports.
8) The executive director is appointed by the president and shall be responsible for
the daily activities of the PFRA. The executive director shall appoint the assistant
executive director.
9) The assistant executive director serves at the discretion of the executive director.
The assistant executive director shall oversee all committees.
10) The publications director is appointed by the president and shall be responsible
for all aspects of the publication of all books and periodicals produced by the PFRA,
and is given the discretion to select assistant editors, including an assistant
publications director, however, said assistants will not be members of the Board.
11) The executive director shall appoint a webmaster to administer the PFRA’s

Re: PFRA Elections 2023 ... Floor is open for nominations

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 10:00 pm
by Lee Elder
JeffreyMiller wrote:
ChrisBabcock wrote:A few questions...
- Can we nominate the incumbents? I don't think we have term limits if I remember correctly.

Yes, of course! Incumbents can be nominated. Anyone nominated has to acknowledge acceptance.

- Could someone post the duties/job description of each position? I've always been confused about the roles of our President and Executive Director. Thanks.

This I cannot answer as I do not have immediate access to the bylaws. Perhaps the Executive Director can comment here?
George saw the question before I did and posted the answer. It should clarify the roles.