PFRA Codes of Conduct/Behavior

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George Bozeka
Posts: 121
Joined: Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:48 pm

PFRA Codes of Conduct/Behavior

Post by George Bozeka »

The PFRA Board recently adopted the following PFRA Forum Code of Conduct and PFRA Code of Behavior which are both applicable to all users of the Forum and all PFRA members and guests.

Professional Football Researchers Association Forum
Code of Conduct

By accessing the “Professional Football Researchers Association Forum” (the Forum) you agree to be bound by the following Code of Conduct. If you do not agree to be bound by the following Code please do not access and use the Forum. The PFRA reserves the right to modify the Code of Conduct at any time:

The purpose of the PFRA Forum is to have discussions about football and football history for the enjoyment and use by PFRA members and guests. It's not the place to discuss other members or guests, politics, or life in general. It's not the place to pick fights, nor to get revenge. If you feel that you must complain to someone, you may do so privately using the private message option on the Board, but not publicly. Starting a debate about a football topic is fine. Starting an argument with an unnecessary comment about one of the other participants is not.

To that end, the following items are prohibited: abusive or combative statements; accusations or innuendo; obscene or vulgar language; threats or defamatory comments; or the posting of any material that violates the laws of the United States (including copyright laws), or the nation or state/province from which you are accessing the Forum. The Forum is not the place to talk about buying, selling or trading items that are not generally available including but not limited to game films. It is acceptable to mention generally available items (including books).

Members and guests who violate the Code of Conduct are subject to being permanently banned from the Forum by the President or Executive Director and Members may also be expelled from the PFRA. Members and guests can be suspended by the moderators or permanently banned from the Forum by the President or Executive Director following repeated warnings; however, a Member will not be expelled from the PFRA without approval of a majority of the PFRA Board of Directors.

The moderators of the PFRA Forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic or post at any time as they deem necessary. If you reverse a moderator's edit, or if you continue a course of action after having been warned, you may be suspended and ultimately banned from use of the Forum and/or expelled from the PFRA.

As an aid to enforcing these conditions, the IP addresses of all posts are recorded automatically, and the PFRA reserves the right to notify your Internet Service Provider if it is deemed necessary. Our forums are powered by phpBB, which is a bulletin board solution released under the “General Public License” (GPL) and can be downloaded from The phpBB software only facilitates internet based discussions; the phpBB Group is not responsible for what we allow and/or disallow as permissible content and/or conduct. For further information about phpBB, please see: As a user you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in a database. Neither the Professional Football Researchers Association, nor phpBB shall be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.

The PFRA will fully cooperate with law enforcement in regard to any legal issues arising out of this Code of Conduct.

Professional Football Researchers Association (PFRA)
Code of Behavior

The purposes of the PFRA are to foster the study of professional football as a significant social and athletic institution; to establish an accurate historical account of professional football; and to disseminate research information.

All members of the PFRA shall support these purposes.

We expect the highest level of personal conduct, integrity and professionalism from all members and guests of the PFRA and we are dedicated to maintaining a positive organizational environment for all PFRA members and guests. We ask that you follow our Code of Behavior in your interactions with other PFRA members and guests to help us ensure that all PFRA members and guests have an enjoyable experience.

Discrimination/Harassment Policy
The PFRA maintains a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination, harassment, violent behavior, and sexually offensive behavior or actions. This includes, but is not limited to: discrimination or harassment toward individuals on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age, and physical or mental disability; inappropriate physical contact or unwelcome sexual attention; bullying, stalking, or other deliberate intimidation; use of physical force; physical or verbal threats; behavior that creates a disturbance or is dangerous, including lewd or generally offensive behavior or language; using sexually explicit or offensive language or conduct; obscene gestures, abusive or combative statements; accusations or innuendo; obscene or vulgar language; and threats or defamatory comments.

Reporting a Code of Behavior Violation
If you experience or witness any form of discrimination, harassment, threatening behavior, or other inappropriate behavior in your interactions with other PFRA members or guests, please notify the PFRA Board of Directors by e-mail at

PFRA Convention Policies
• PFRA is not responsible or liable for lost, stolen, or damaged property, or for injuries sustained during PFRA conventions.
• Firearms or other weapons are strictly forbidden at all PFRA conventions.
• Illegal drugs are strictly forbidden at all PFRA conventions.
• Alcohol may be served or be otherwise available at conventions, but disorderly conduct is never allowed.
• Attendees found damaging PFRA property or property belonging to the host venue will be required to financially reimburse PFRA or the venue.

Consequences of a Code of Behavior Violation
Any member or guest found to be in violation of the Code of Behavior may be expelled from the PFRA and/or any PFRA sponsored activities without the refund of dues or fees and may be subject to banishment from future PFRA membership and/or participation in PFRA sponsored activities. Further, the PFRA will fully cooperate with law enforcement in regard to any legal issues arising out of this Code of Behavior
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