To Reaser’s comment, there’s definitely performance-enhancing going on, but it’s not from drugs. It’s from plants. Tom Brady has been mostly plant-based for years. Serena Williams, Venus Williams and Novak Djokovic all have made ridiculous amounts of money from prolonging their careers by going plant-based at times during their careers.
If you want to find out the truth that the meat, dairy and pharmaceutical industries desperately do not want you to know, watch “The Game Changers” documentary ( It is the most-requested documentary in the history of iTunes, and now is available on NetFlix. Djokovic is an executive producer, as is Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chris Paul, Jackie Chan and others. It shows all the science and the results that prove that going plant-based helps the energy, endurance, mental focus, performance, and minimizes recovery time of world-class weightlifters, bodybuilders, boxers, MMA fighters, bicyclists, firefighters, special ops soldiers, and yes, lots of NFL players, including 1/3 of the entire Tennessee Titans team.
There are tons of stories about the effects of going plant-based on NFL athletes: ... vegan.html
Look at what Malcolm Jenkins is experiencing: ... es-jenkins
On a personal note, I can testify that the benefits of going plant-based are 100% real. I ate meat and dairy for the first 47 years of my life. Three years ago I went vegan. Since then, workouts that would take three days to recover from now take zero recovery time. I went on a 15-mile training run with my girlfriend, then jumped into a 5K race the very next morning, and I came in 4th out of 300 runners, without even pushing myself.
Then when I was 48 I won a 5K race outright, beating the 2nd place finisher who was 27 years younger than me by more than a football field. I would go on fun runs and just wreck guys who were 15-25 years younger than me, leaving them gasping and spitting up from trying to keep up with me. And strength is not a problem. I routinely carry an entire cart’s worth of grocery bags (including lots of soy milk) to my car with one hand just to give the cashiers something to see that they haven’t seen before.
There is no question that those who make the switch to going plant-based will live a quality of life that they did not know was possible. You give up nothing – every version of plant-based burgers, pizzas, burritos, every ethnic food, chicken, mac-and-cheese, sausages, hot dogs, tuna, pulled pork, ice cream, etc. tastes and feels better than the comparable animal-based foods.
It is the one and only diet that truly checks all the boxes. It’s the best diet for athletes, and also best for non-athletes who just want to live long, healthy lives without chronic diseases. It’s also best for the planet (look up any environmental study about the causes of climate change and a lot of it comes back to meat and dairy production), and also to prove you’re a real man who stands up and protects those who cannot defend themselves, not just a coward who just wants to torture those who are different than you (yes, those would be animals) just because you've been told that it's "normal" to go kill something that didn't want to die, and wasn't even threatening you. For more about that, go to Amazon and look up John Joseph's book that has "Meat" in the title. I can't say the book's somewhat profane title here or I'll get banned from the board, but you'll want to read it. If you don't believe me, read the Amazon reviews of the book, you'll be glad you did.