Red Grange Trophy
Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 11:19 am
I was reading about the 11/24/35 Lions-Bears game, and read that they would be playing for the Red Grange Trophy, which was I am guessing a trophy the Bears and Lions fought over. I did find a picture of Grange with the trophy as somebody was selling the picture on the Ebay:,!ogE-0e9q29VBQDDC10fhg~~/s-l640.jpg
The 10/23/35 Detroit Free Press announces the trophy was struck as the perpetual stake in the games between the Lions and Bears and has a bear and lion trying to climb on top of a globe. ... rs%2Blions
I had never heard of two NFL teams using a trophy as a stake in games, as college rivalry games often do. I seriously doubt the two teams still swap the trophy back and forth, I'm curious when it ended. I'm also curious about the current whereabouts of the trophy.
Has anybody ever heard of this trophy?,!ogE-0e9q29VBQDDC10fhg~~/s-l640.jpg
The 10/23/35 Detroit Free Press announces the trophy was struck as the perpetual stake in the games between the Lions and Bears and has a bear and lion trying to climb on top of a globe. ... rs%2Blions
I had never heard of two NFL teams using a trophy as a stake in games, as college rivalry games often do. I seriously doubt the two teams still swap the trophy back and forth, I'm curious when it ended. I'm also curious about the current whereabouts of the trophy.
Has anybody ever heard of this trophy?