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PFRA web site / forum: Breakdown or Shutdown?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:42 pm
by oldecapecod11
We are quick to criticize the Canton web site - and the new version does stink - but our own house is not in order.

Last weekend and again this weekend, both our web site and the forum were inaccessible - both times, the forum
longer so than the web site.

Were these breakdowns or shutdowns?

Based on some of the comments about the poor quality of the selected software, a breakdown would not be a surprise.
But, if breakdowns, why not replace the junk that was indiscriminately foisted upon us based solely on recommendation
by a so-called friend?
We have the spendable dollars so why not use them to the benefit of all except just a chosen few?

If they were shutdowns - for maintenance, blue-pencil frolicking or whatever - why not a notice in advance?
Again, such notification would benefit all and not just those few of us who visit here.

Re: PFRA web site / forum: Breakdown or Shutdown?

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:38 am
by Ken Crippen
The site and forum were moved to a different server to help improve performance. There was a technical glitch that caused an issue. My apologies for the inconvenience.