Andrew McKillop wrote:I really hope that NFL does something to honor Rock Island in 2019. To me the ultimate would be a Bears vs. Cardinals exhibition game at Rock Island Public Schools Stadium.
As Mark already mentioned. The league's first-ever game that counted was at Douglas Park. RI's game wasn't against a league opponent, but since the game counted in the standings I think that game alone should be credited with being the NFL's first-ever. NOT the two league vs. league games played that following week.
I'd like to hear the opinions of others on that matter.
Great question. Strictly speaking, one could say that the first National Football League games were on October 1, 1922, in Akron, Buffalo, Canton, Chicago, Dayton, Racine, Rock Island and Toledo, since the ones before that were APFA games.
But as to 1920, my opinion is that the date of the first NFL game was October 3, rather than September 26, 1920, even though the 9/26 event counted towards Rock Island's 6-2-2 record. The championship wasn't decided until a vote at the 1921 owners' meeting, and if there had been two unbeaten teams to choose from (8-0-3 Akron was the only one), I think the voting owners would have given greater consideration to the team that beat the most league members.
My other thought is that nothing was being contested in the September 26 game. It was simply a matter of pride for the St. Paul Ideals, who weren't in a pennant race. On the six games the following week, two of them were ones where both sides were playing for the NFL pennant.
There was an article 35 years ago by Bob Carroll and Bob Braunwart on which game started earlier, the one at Rock Island (45-0 over Muncie) or the one at Dayton (14-0 over Columbus), and they concluded that we can't know for sure because we don't know the actual time for kickoff in either city, even though Dayton was on Eastern time and Rock Island on Central. Either way, their feeling was clearly that September 26 shouldn't even be considered ... 02-059.pdf
Rock Island has a claim on first game, regardless of how it's defined. It would be nice to see the NFL's Indiana and Illinois teams play an preseason near the Quad Cities in 2020, with Colts and Bears wearing throwback uniforms and leather covered Riddell helmets-- by the same token, a Bengals-Browns game at Dayton would be a good substitute for Triangles-Panhandles.