"Kotie Has Buddy Beat By a Mile..."

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"Kotie Has Buddy Beat By a Mile..."

Post by 74_75_78_79_ »

Interesting article which came out the week leading up to Kotite's Eagles visiting Buddy in the dessert in '94. Philly was just coming off a home loss to Cleveland, dropping them to 7-3; and we all know what would happen from there. In addition to actually thinking that the Cards would win that home rematch, I remember not being all too impressed with the Eagles' 7-2 start that year. This although they did beat GB in September (as they also did, and at Lambeau, the year prior) along with that famous 40-8 romp in the Bay. That game screamed more 'end-of-Niners-era' to me than Philly being anything special. I knew they couldn't at all beat Dallas anymore. Perhaps it was the 4-0 start gone bad from the year before that caused me to not make much of it. I certainly wasn't accusing Kotite of actually being a 'better coach' than Buddy. Perhaps this could be comparable to those sub-remote few in NE circa opening day '03 at Buffalo (0-31 loss) who may have still been wondering if, just maybe, Bledsoe was the one whom they should have kept instead of Brady.

http://articles.philly.com/1994-11-18/n ... agles-fans
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