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"Mystery" holding penalty in Super Bowl V

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:29 am
by Bryan
I know the holding penalty on Dallas in Super Bowl V, the one which put the Cowboys in a 2nd-and-35 situation late in the 4th period, had been a point of discussion on this board...but I cannot find that old discussion using our search engine.

Anyway, I finally saw that actual play in question. Dallas has the ball at midfield, Morton drops backs to pass as the Colts rush just the 4 linemen from an over set. Both Smiths are walled off by Nye and Wright, Fred Miller basically goes through Manders with minimal effort, while Hilton runs into Neely. Miller then goes through Niland with minimal effort while Hilton shoves Neely aside. Miller latches on to Craig Morton, and while this happens a ref throws his penalty flag in the direction of Hilton/Neely...which leads me to believe that the mystery holding penalty was assessed on Neely.

Re: "Mystery" holding penalty in Super Bowl V

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:23 pm
by JoeZagorski
I've had a problem with that one too. Were I Coach Landry, I would have sat on the ball and forced an overtime period.

Joe Zagorski