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Packers uniforms 1956-1959
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:03 am
by Bryan
What was the reason/story behind the weird 'photo negative' uniforms the Packers wore part-time in 1956-1957 and full time in 1958? It just seems completely out of place with every Packer uniform before and since. Also, the uniforms received a major overhaul for the 1959 season, becoming their current color scheme. Was Vince Lombardi behind the new uniforms in 1959, or was that just coincidence?
Re: Packers uniforms 1956-1959
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 2:17 pm
by Mark L. Ford
According to this 1962 article in LIFE magazine, ... ms&f=false
"a crisis developed in the equipment room" during Lombardi's first training camp, and "The uniforms, made up to last year's measurements, no longer fit the players. A rush order was put through..." Might have been a coincidence, but It may well have been that Lombardi took the position that, since they had to spend for new pants anyway, and there was room in the budget, it was an opportune time for the team to get a brand new look that was as far away as possible from that 1-10-1 team of '58.
Re: Packers uniforms 1956-1959
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:23 pm
by JohnR
Giorgio Armani, Pierre Cardin, Christian Dior, Vince Lombardi. His '59 makeover of the Packers & reprise with the '69 Redskins was FABULOUS.
Re: Packers uniforms 1956-1959
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 10:13 pm
by 3243
May the Packers never get rid of those classic (and classy) uniforms.
Re: Packers uniforms 1956-1959
Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:46 am
by JKelly
Hate to put a damper on the love fest but if you look at the 1966 uniforms and the 2014 uniforms there are more than just subtle differences. The helmet and color scheme are the same but the uniforms have changed and in my opinion they currently are plainer than they used to be.