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1938 Giants and Packers Sack Totals

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:51 am
by James
Does anyone happen to know the sack totals for the 1938 Giants and 1938 Packers?


Re: 1938 Giants and Packers Sack Totals

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:54 pm
by JohnTurney
sacks were not kept, and prior to 1952 yardage was not kept, sacks then were handled they way college still does it, they are lumped in with running plays.

Re: 1938 Giants and Packers Sack Totals

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 5:24 pm
by NWebster
Have to assume this was James throwing us a bone, and some pretty good humor.

Thanks James.

I believe Grease Neale had 7 sacks for the Dayton Triangles in 1920!

Re: 1938 Giants and Packers Sack Totals

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 5:41 pm
by JohnTurney
Thanks, Nick. I was so ticked I didn't even get the humor. My bad.

1938 Giants and Packers Sack Totals

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 12:46 pm
by James
NWebster wrote:Have to assume this was James throwing us a bone, and some pretty good humor.

Thanks James.

I believe Grease Neale had 7 sacks for the Dayton Triangles in 1920!
Actually, I was being serious. I know they did not keep sack totals, but wasn't sure if they kept or had recorded losses behind the line a QB may have had when tackled by a defensive player, etc. Just thought I would ask as you never know, there may have been something out there.

Re: 1938 Giants and Packers Sack Totals

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:46 pm
by TodMaher
JohnTurney wrote:sacks were not kept, and prior to 1952 yardage was not kept, sacks then were handled they way college still does it, they are lumped in with running plays.
Team sack yardage totals are available starting in 1949 for the NFL. Individual totals for the passers in 1947 for the NFL. And they kept the totals before that - it's just like everything else back then it was not published on a regular basis by the newspapers.
If I recall correctly AAFC kept the data for the passers, too, but I don't think anyone has gone through the scoresheets to compile the numbers (and we're missing a good chunk of the 1948 scoresheets).

Re: 1938 Giants and Packers Sack Totals

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 4:25 pm
by King Kong
James wrote:Does anyone happen to know the sack totals for the 1938 Giants and 1938 Packers?

I don't think anyone has that data. You would somehow have to get all the games and document the sacks yourself. I doubt much footage is available, though.

Re: 1938 Giants and Packers Sack Totals

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:34 pm
by Veeshik_ya
Just an FYI to all and sundry: I provided the detailed 1938 sack totals via a private message, lest this valuable information fall into the hands of the dreaded riff raff known as the general public.

One cannot be too careful.

Re: 1938 Giants and Packers Sack Totals

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:39 pm
by Bob Gill
Veeshik_ya wrote:Just an FYI to all and sundry: I provided the detailed 1938 sack totals via a private message, lest this valuable information fall into the hands of the dreaded riff raff known as the general public. One cannot be too careful.
Geez, just shut up.

Let's recap this incident in question: Somebody posts a question on the forum, asking if anybody has some otherwise unavailable statistics and is willing to share them. Someone else, who has done all the work required to compile said statistics, passes them on to him immediately. This is as complete an answer as anybody with a question like that could have hoped for -- but YOU keep posting these juvenile criticisms because the stats didn't get posted on the forum itself. I know we're supposed to keep away from personalities here (although you certainly make no effort to), and this exchange has nothing to do with me, but your sniping is highly offensive to anybody who's done any real work in this or any similar field. You're the equivalent of a leather-lunged fan with a beer gut who keeps bellowing that Tom Brady sucks.

Just shut up.

Re: 1938 Giants and Packers Sack Totals

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 5:08 pm
by Reaser
Anytime there's a question about sacks it's the same thing from the same person. Constantly on the previous forum, also.

I remember one of the last complaints on the old forum about "not sharing", but I had personally always noticed that Turney and Webster both had always answered all questions on the forums. So I searched all sack threads for a year span going back and I had found only one sack totals related question that had NOT been answered and for completeness I posted a link to the thread with the unanswered question, and John instantly answered it noting that he hadn't seen the thread when it was first posted.

So they essentially were - and evidently still are - answering every question that they see, and most of the time they are answering within the thread on the forum.

So I don't think that it's not posted on the forum is the complaint, Bob.

I think the complaint is that they haven't taken the time to create a site and post ALL of the sack data that they have researched and compiled. So people can just click a link and see a complete list.

It would be a fairly ridiculous complaint, if that's it, which I believe that it is since that's basically in line with things he's posted in the past.