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Announcement-- Board meeting postponed to December 5

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 6:07 pm
by Mark L. Ford
As Coffin Corner readers know, there was a notice that the Board of Directors would have a meeting on November 15 to discuss whether to make a policy change permanent. However, since the Coffin Corner issue was not received in the mail on September 15, we have decided that the vote should not be taken until December 5 in order that there be two months between announcement and meeting. PFRA members were invited to submit comments by e-mail to me. Thus far, we have received comments from three members. Anyone wishing to make comments (or add to their comments) may do so by e-mailing me at or by mailing their comments to me (although anyone who can read this has e-mail access) between now and the meeting. As previously advised, comments made on the Forum rather than e-mail will not be considered. All comments will be preserved and will be provided in their entirety to each of the Board members, who will consider these before voting.