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Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:05 pm
by oldecapecod11

Started by luckyshow, Aug 13 2014 11:16 AM

3 replies to this topic

#1 luckyshow
Forum Visitors
Posted 13 August 2014 - 11:16 AM
On June 8, 2014, the Turkey American Football League had its championship game ("pro" but may be playing 9-on-9)

The Koc RAms played the Bogazici Sultans. Oddly (or maybe not oddly), this game is promoted and hyped, but reports on this game, at least in English, are non-existent. There is a video of the game, which I admit, due to my computer problems, I have not seen (or rather, heard). I am unsure if a winner or final score is mentioned.

These type of things drive me nuts. I guess NFL expanson to Istanbul or Ankara is not imminent.

Was anyone at this game? (lol) who could actually relate a result?

#2 LJP
Forum Visitors
Posted 13 August 2014 - 11:24 AM
The Bogazici Sultans twitter account has the score as 30-23.

Game report is here, although in Turkish. Google's Translate converts this to English.

#3 oldecapecod 11
PFRA Member
Posted 14 August 2014 - 09:50 AM
Do they play on Thanksgiving or is that kinda like a holy day over there?

#4 luckyshow
Forum Visitors
Posted 14 August 2014 - 10:52 AM
It gets weirder. In Spain, there is no bowl name, but there are two championships. One is a post season championship, the other a Cup series.

Here I will show a possible odd phenomena. The false records list (maybe)

I found few places to write and ask about this one.

This is said to be the true championship game list:

The following is unrecognized and before 2003 whether it has any truth at all to it is up to question. It is only source with a date for 2014 game, and it lists Roman Numerals, for what's that worth. The dates are off for the early games that match. There is one instance where a winner is listed as a loser on this list. There is a 117 point game listed. I have no idea if there is any reality to the 117 point game or anything else before 2003 on this listing:

I also have the Cup listings but there are only one of those..

This makes no sense. Was it an upstart championship? Was this the only seen instance of a fake history of an obscure foreign league?

Started by luckyshow, Aug 13 2014 11:16 AM

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#1 luckyshow
Forum Visitors
Posted 13 August 2014 - 11:16 AM
On June 8, 2014, the Turkey American Football League had its championship game ("pro" but may be playing 9-on-9)

The Koc RAms played the Bogazici Sultans. Oddly (or maybe not oddly), this game is promoted and hyped, but reports on this game, at least in English, are non-existent. There is a video of the game, which I admit, due to my computer problems, I have not seen (or rather, heard). I am unsure if a winner or final score is mentioned.

These type of things drive me nuts. I guess NFL expanson to Istanbul or Ankara is not imminent.

Was anyone at this game? (lol) who could actually relate a result?


Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:21 am
by Mark L. Ford
I remember this topic from a few months back-- I had been researching recently on another TAFL, the Trans-America Football League which was one of three proposed post-war NFL competitors discussed in 1944 and 1945. Arch Ward's AAFC won that battle, beating out Chick Meehan's TAFL and Roland Payne's USFL, but Meehan almost got the edge when he had a verbal agreement that his New York team could use Yankee Stadium. The baseball Yankees were sold, though, to a group that included NFL owner Dan Topping, who then moved his Brooklyn Tigers assets to the AAFC to create his New York Yankees football team.

There was also a minor football league in Texas that briefly took on the name Trans-America Football League and that experimented with playing its season in the spring. Neither of these have anything to do with Turkey, of course, but they were TAFL.


Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:45 am
by oldecapecod11
When I started to comprise a list (last evening,) I saw another TAFL? I did not look because it was not the focus of the exercise.
Later, I will. If it references other than turkeys, I will post it asap. If a duplication - delete it, of course, and one less to do.


Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:53 am
by oldecapecod11
It was this same Thread. The confusion arose because (as can be seen) a second thread was started?


Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:26 pm
by Mark L. Ford
It was just a casual observation on my part. I had recently been reading more details about the 1944 TAFL proposal. If it had made it to the gridiron in 1946, Meehan had already stated his plans to purchase the naming rights from an existing minor league, located on the West Coast. Had that happened, there would have been an eight-team, coast to coast "American Football League" in 1946 rather than 1960. The west coast league folded after one season, and an eastern states minor league then took over the AFL name until going out of business in 1950.


Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:59 pm
by oldecapecod11
I do not have any input to the operation of this tool.
If I did, I would say that deserves a Thread of its own.
Many more people might be interested in those details that have shown interest in the goings-on in Turkey.

Anything "Trans" seems to attract attention now-a-days and Trans-American would enter this forum virgin pure - unless, of course, it is tucked away in the body of a Thread with different orientation.

As for Trans-Americans in Texas...
for some reason I don't picture cowpunchers and roughnecks as being fans of much that is "trans-?"
Although, if Wisconsin could have the Belles, Chicks, Does, Fairies, Pinks, and Snappers, I guess anything should not be surprising?