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Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:06 pm
by oldecapecod11

Soon, some of the threads saved will be posted to the new forum.

These will be:

Moran - 40+ threads in which he posted. (2+ pages)
Mike's posts were saved because he has posted some great photos and pictures of documents that some might have wanted to save if we had been notified in a timely manner of the problems transferring data.

luckyshow - 60+ threads in which he posted. (3+ pages)
Paul's posts include many links to his website of fascinating data and some valuable newspaper links as well.

occ2 - less than 1 page (-20 threads)
occ 11 - 160+ threads (8+ pages)

Please note the following: some of the threads were not copied to all three groups for obvious reasons.
If you are looking for a particular thread in which luckyshow or Moran posted, be patient.
It is probably among the occ saved threads.
If not, it may be like Clementine: lost and gone forever.

Additionally, the entire "pinned" thread listing "Deaths" has been copied.
Hopefully, this is one of the items that was already prepped for inclusion in the new forum "Obituaries" thread.
The saved thread is 101 postings through September 29, 2014. If anyone would like a copy, ask.


Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:01 am
by oldecapecod11
The entire "old forum" "pinned" thread listing "Deaths" has been posted in "Obituaries."
If anyone would like a copy, ask - or do it yourself.