That's not what is even being said here at this point. Turney is also simultaneously arguing that Bryant>Sapp because of these testimonials. I can provide long winded quotes from people like Faneca, Ogden, Brooks et al. that call Sapp "the best ever yada yada" which would then completely negate Turney's point. He knows that.Ness wrote: Probably for the best. The "pros vs. joes" logic just really doesn't hold up any stronger than someone who never played or coached...but especially played at that level. I can't imagine going up to Schlereth, Tobek, Timmerman, Roaf (who is in the HOF) or whomever vouched for Young on that panel and essentially telling them their opinion is full of bunk and laughable because I watched so-n-so player on my TV screen or in the stands at best, and know better compared to you who actually was down there in the trenches going up against the likes of Sapp, Randle, Perry, let alone Young himself. That would be an interesting conversation. I'm sure it would go swell for the average online yahoo where the best flex in your arsenal is "but this sportswriter at the time said..."
It's why he's chosen to not respond and ignore the point.
What if I reached out to the people I knew who played in the NFL at the same point in time and got 3 or 4 of them to say "Young was a good player, but not a HOF'er." Then where are we at? The faulty assumption is that there isn't opinion to the other side of the issue...which there illustrated by Andy's points and comments earlier in the thread. IE, pointing out the AP teams Young wasn't named to that were voted on by these same players during Bryant's career.