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Re: Coffin Corner Volume 41 Number 3

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 10:23 am
by Ken Crippen
TanksAndSpartans wrote:Is there any way we could consider unlocking a few more years worth of CC articles? Maybe 2012 instead of 2006?
I unlocked the rest of the 2000s.

Re: Coffin Corner Volume 41 Number 3

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 4:38 pm
by TanksAndSpartans
That makes sense since the site is organized by decade, maybe in '25, we can unlock the 10s. Thanks Ken.

Re: Coffin Corner Volume 41 Number 3

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 4:44 pm
by Ronfitch
Stupid question (or stupid person asking a question, perhaps) ....

Which site is *the* site? or

Or, are they both registered an one is a re-direct to the other? Both have the same pages and at quick glance have the same content (will HoVG class of 2018 and Canton conference be added soon?).

Regarding marketing and Google hits (and other search engines, if anyone still uses them), I know it *used* to be about keywords and meta tags, but now it goes beyond that to get higher in the Google searches. I know you can actually submit a site to Google and jump through other hoops to help with that. But also know that it is a career skillset as well.

Re: Coffin Corner Volume 41 Number 3

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:55 pm
by TodMaher
Ronfitch wrote:Stupid question (or stupid person asking a question, perhaps) ....

Which site is *the* site? or

Or, are they both registered an one is a re-direct to the other? Both have the same pages and at quick glance have the same content (will HoVG class of 2018 and Canton conference be added soon?).

Regarding marketing and Google hits (and other search engines, if anyone still uses them), I know it *used* to be about keywords and meta tags, but now it goes beyond that to get higher in the Google searches. I know you can actually submit a site to Google and jump through other hoops to help with that. But also know that it is a career skillset as well.
Uggh. Duplicate sites. A big no-no to the Google, Bing, etc.

From Google:
However, in some cases, content is deliberately duplicated across domains in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings or win more traffic. Deceptive practices like this can result in a poor user experience, when a visitor sees substantially the same content repeated within a set of search results.
In the rare cases in which Google perceives that duplicate content may be shown with intent to manipulate our rankings and deceive our users, we'll also make appropriate adjustments in the indexing and ranking of the sites involved.

Plus, no security certificate, a non-responsive web design (not even a viewport meta tag) and not even a proper <!DOCTYPE html> tag. UGH!

Re: Coffin Corner Volume 41 Number 3

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:10 am
by Ken Crippen
Ronfitch wrote:Stupid question (or stupid person asking a question, perhaps) ....

Which site is *the* site? or

Or, are they both registered an one is a re-direct to the other? Both have the same pages and at quick glance have the same content (will HoVG class of 2018 and Canton conference be added soon?).

Regarding marketing and Google hits (and other search engines, if anyone still uses them), I know it *used* to be about keywords and meta tags, but now it goes beyond that to get higher in the Google searches. I know you can actually submit a site to Google and jump through other hoops to help with that. But also know that it is a career skillset as well.
I will not get into the long and ugly details, but after I stepped down as executive director (and default webmaster), the site was handed over to a "professional" web developer. He changed the domain from .org to .com. I am still trying to understand why, but it was done. A lot of other things were destroyed as well. That was also when we got the current site design.

When I took over again, we got rid of him and I took over as default webmaster. I do what I can with the limited time that I have. Are there a lot of things that can be improved and fixed? Absolutely. I look for volunteers to take it over, but nobody is willing to take over the amount of work necessary to fix everything. So, it falls to me to do what I can. If you know someone who is willing to take over the website, please let me know.

Re: Coffin Corner Volume 41 Number 3

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2019 11:05 pm
by RyanChristiansen
I always wait for the printed copy to read the latest issue, and I received my copy today. Nice article, Ken, on the origins of the organization.

Re: Coffin Corner Volume 41 Number 3

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2019 7:41 am
by SixtiesFan
But Bruce Dern shot John Wayne in the back, so you know he can't be trusted![/quote]

I once saw Bruce Dern on a talk show in which he remarked on being the Bad Guy in his acting roles. He said, "I killed John Wayne."

Re: Coffin Corner Volume 41 Number 3

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2019 9:13 am
by rhickok1109
I think the last two issues have been among the very best ever published.