Re: Playoff Bowl ('60-thru-'69) discussion
Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:05 pm
Another bit of Playoff Bowl trivia is that the Steelers introduced their iconic black helmets when they appeared in their 1963 Playoff Bowl loss to the Lions on January 6. They were still wearing yellow helmets with the steel logo up until the end of the 1962 regular season.Retro Rider wrote:At one time there was a website that chronicled all ten Playoff Bowl games but I can't seem to find it anymore (MBolding I think). Sad when these resources disappear. I believe CBS televised all of these games, maybe someone can confirm that. In the opening minute or so of the 1966 Eagles highlight film you can hear Joe Kuharich grumbling to his secretary about having to play in the January '67 Playoff Bowl, saying that he didn't have time for "this second place stuff."
On a side note, the NFL used the new Y-shaped/slingshot goal post for the first time in that "67 Eagles vs. Colts Playoff Bowl.