Re: 2017 Obituaries
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 5:14 am
Former Rams & Browns C John Morrow died October 21st, aged 84. ... fhid=32563 ... fhid=32563
PFRA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the history of professional football. Formed in 1979, PFRA members include many of the game's foremost historians and writers.
Very sad news. Jeff Saturday, his UNC teammate, credits his NFL career to him. Cut by the Ravens his rookie year, he was back in North Carolina selling insurance. Nate, a ‘no name’ at Indy, nervously knocked on Polian’s door and said that some center kicked everyone’s butt in college who ended up getting drafted higher than him yet he’s now selling insurance. Polian asked who, let’s give him a tryout, and the rest was history. Nate wasn’t a starter but was amongst the many Ram defenders who rotated on and off the field (to post-game exhaustion) against that powerful Titans O-line/McNair/Eddie George attack in SBXXXIV.Eagles One wrote:Nate Hobgood-Chittick, former St. Louis Rams, 49ers and Chiefs defensive tackle died November 12 at the age of 42. ... story.html