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Re: 1938 Giants and Packers Sack Totals

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 5:18 pm
by Veeshik_ya
Bob Gill wrote:
Veeshik_ya wrote:Just an FYI to all and sundry: I provided the detailed 1938 sack totals via a private message, lest this valuable information fall into the hands of the dreaded riff raff known as the general public. One cannot be too careful.
Geez, just shut up.

Let's recap this incident in question: Somebody posts a question on the forum, asking if anybody has some otherwise unavailable statistics and is willing to share them. Someone else, who has done all the work required to compile said statistics, passes them on to him immediately. This is as complete an answer as anybody with a question like that could have hoped for -- but YOU keep posting these juvenile criticisms because the stats didn't get posted on the forum itself. I know we're supposed to keep away from personalities here (although you certainly make no effort to), and this exchange has nothing to do with me, but your sniping is highly offensive to anybody who's done any real work in this or any similar field. You're the equivalent of a leather-lunged fan with a beer gut who keeps bellowing that Tom Brady sucks.

Just shut up.
Just shut up? I am offended by your rudeness, sir. At no point have I ever stooped to telling anyone to shut up. You're the equivalent of a thin skinned grade-schooler who keeps bellowing for his mommy.

And you might be surprised who's done real work and who hasn't.

Re: 1938 Giants and Packers Sack Totals

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 8:19 pm
by oldecapecod11
Veeshik_ya wrote:
"Just an FYI to all and sundry: I provided the detailed 1938 sack totals via a private message, lest this valuable information fall into the hands of the dreaded riff raff known as the general public. One cannot be too careful."
Bob Gill wrote:
"Geez, just shut up.
Let's recap this incident in question: Somebody posts a question on the forum, asking if anybody has some otherwise unavailable statistics and is willing to share them. Someone else, who has done all the work required to compile
said statistics, passes them on to him immediately.
This is as complete an answer as anybody with a question like that could have hoped for -- but YOU keep posting
these juvenile criticisms because the stats didn't get posted on the forum itself. I know we're supposed to keep
away from personalities here (although you certainly make no effort to), and this exchange has nothing to do
with me, but your sniping is highly offensive to anybody who's done any real work in this or any similar field.
You're the equivalent of a leather-lunged fan with a beer gut who keeps bellowing that Tom Brady sucks.
Just shut up.
Veeshik_ya ยป Mon Dec 29, 2014 5:18 pm
"Just shut up? I am offended by your rudeness, sir. At no point have I ever stooped to telling anyone to shut up. You're the equivalent of a thin skinned grade-schooler who keeps bellowing for his mommy.
And you might be surprised who's done real work and who hasn't


Might it be suggested Mr.V that it is from the dreaded riff raff known as the general public that future new members must be attracted and, as we continue to fight with a frequently crashing web site and on-going access problems for existing members, this sniping among the brethren does not set a good example for our prospects.

Yes; you have already "surprised" some of us with your revelation that basements filled with cardboard boxes contain more data than exists in the collective files of our membership but please keep in mind there are some who still strive for that elusive "genius card" you mentioned months ago.

You took a shot then at Pro Football Archives which happens to be an internationally known exquisite body of work.
Now you snap at Bob Gill, our mild-mannered reporter who happens to have an armload of published works on the market.

Please aim you darts at where they are deserved.

Talk about inefficiency and a refusal to attend to members' needs and or inquiries.
Talk about the stupidity of signing away the website so that the Association owns nothing.
Talk about the thousands of dollars of potential lost revenue from advertising that might never
acrue to the benefit of our group.
Talk about a complete and utter disregard for the By-laws and that such is a sign of a lack of self respect
as well as a display of no respect or concern for the good of the membership.

But, please, please do not take potshots at the innocent or you sink to the same level as a Stalin who purged
his officer corps simply tp soothe his own insecurity.

Sit down. Relax. Have a nice bowl of potato soup. Enjoy this blessed Holiday Season.

Whoops! Wait a minute. That's vichyssoise. I always get my vees and cues mixed?

Have a Happy New Year!

Re: 1938 Giants and Packers Sack Totals

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:23 am
by Veeshik_ya
OldeCapeCod, your eccentricity (some might call you sh*t nuts) has been so well documented that I wouldn't even bother responding were it not for one false statement: I never took a shot at Pro Football Archives. It's a great site. Where you came up with that, who knows?

As for the dreaded riff raff, that was irony, my friend. It was the esteemed Mr. Turney who has on numerous occasions said this site isn't for the general public (since the old forum is gone, I suppose there's no longer a way to prove this although I'm sure he'll do the stand up thing and cop to it). If you want to accuse someone of driving away new, younger membership, please point YOUR darts in the right direction.

As for Gill, yes I'm aware he has a number of published books. I've never confused quantity with quality, though.

As for the holidays, I'm looking forward to getting back to work. Thank you sir, and good day.

Re: 1938 Giants and Packers Sack Totals

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:01 am
by oldecapecod11
Veeshik_ya wrote:OldeCapeCod, your eccentricity (some might call you sh*t nuts) has been so well documented that I wouldn't even bother responding were it not for one false statement: I never took a shot at Pro Football Archives. It's a great site. Where you came up with that, who knows?

As for the dreaded riff raff, that was irony, my friend. It was the esteemed Mr. Turney who has on numerous occasions said this site isn't for the general public (since the old forum is gone, I suppose there's no longer a way to prove this although I'm sure he'll do the stand up thing and cop to it). If you want to accuse someone of driving away new, younger membership, please point YOUR darts in the right direction.

As for Gill, yes I'm aware he has a number of published books. I've never confused quantify with quality, though.

As for the holidays, I'm looking forward to getting back to work. Thank you sir, and good day.
And I thank you. Your quantification is indeed appreciated.

Re: 1938 Giants and Packers Sack Totals

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:25 am
by Bob Gill
Veeshik_ya wrote:And you might be surprised who's done real work and who hasn't.
Um, anonymous sniping doesn't qualify as "real work," you know. It's more of a hobby -- but a rewarding one, I'm sure. And it certainly requires far less effort, which is a real advantage.

Re: 1938 Giants and Packers Sack Totals

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:47 am
by Veeshik_ya
Bob Gill wrote:
Veeshik_ya wrote:And you might be surprised who's done real work and who hasn't.
Um, anonymous sniping doesn't qualify as "real work," you know. It's more of a hobby -- but a rewarding one, I'm sure. And it certainly requires far less effort, which is a real advantage.
It apparently bothered you enough to comment. Thanks for the publicity.