Which nfl Team Will Be the First?

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Re: Which nfl Team Will Be the First?

Post by Citizen »

There’s a saying in journalism: A thousand planes landing safely isn’t news, but one not landing safely is.

The reason a move like the one by the school district in Washington makes the news is because it's an oddity. The reason you don’t read about kids being allowed to play tag with impunity is because it’s commonplace. But don't let that temper the hand-wringing over the P.C. boogeyman. Mr. Trump will make you all a wonderful commander-in-chief.
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Re: Which nfl Team Will Be the First?

Post by oldecapecod11 »

Postby Citizen » Fri Sep 25, 2015 9:50 am
"There’s a saying in journalism: A thousand planes landing safely isn’t news, but one not landing safely is.
The reason a move like the one by the school district in Washington makes the news is because it's an oddity. The reason you don’t read about kids being allowed to play tag with impunity is because it’s commonplace. But don't let that temper the hand-wringing over the P.C. boogeyman. Mr. Trump will make you all a wonderful commander-in-chief."

There's a saying among New York print media: Don't call the re-write desk unless the murder you are reporting is multiple or a celebrity.
(There's a murder every night in every precinct of the city that never sleeps.)

The Washington school district ban is not nearly the oddity that this seat first imagined.
Taste the crow, brother Citizen; and be assured it can be palatable.
A review of the matter reveals that there are many such bans that have been imposed in various states and, while not yet numerous,
it is a growing trend.

In fact, the link posted a couple of entires earlier tells of a school that also banned balls - and that too is not an oddity.
It is happening.

In his farewell speech to a joint session of Congress, Douglas MacArthur spoke of an old barracks ballad before he just faded away.
Now, perhaps we will parody an old schoolyard ballad:
"No balls at all; no balls at all;
I went to a school that had no balls at all."

Where will be the early training for the future scatbacks of America? How will they ever learn to run from the cops?
Will one of our future NCAA highlight games be "Catholics versus Candlemakers." Will Miami have to drop to Division II?
C'mon... convicts have rights too. (BAH!)

Meanwhile, The Donald will never get a chance to repeat his USFL fiasco with America.
Like a pesty gnat, another candidate will blow away his chances before he gets near the Oval office.

P.S. For the ESPN kiddos, Douglas MacArthur was a former General of the Army (5 stars) and a legend in his own time.
Look it up.
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Re: Which nfl Team Will Be the First?

Post by luckyshow »

In most schools in New York, few kids play punch ball or slap ball anymore, either and I doubt this has much to do with the current world situation or the state of education in the country. Few play stickball anymore either. I don't see the danger in playing tag, nor any danger if it wasn't played any more.

As to native dancing, perhaps our equivalent is where the color guard marches out with a gigantic flag before games and after the National Anthem is played, when air force jets fly overhead. These are our national dances. I can't understand why patriotic frothers (as in frothing at the mouth over many a non-significant slight they see as a gigantic flaw) don't complain that we never hear John Phillip Souza marching music played at football games anymore. Is it because it isn't their type of music?

Anyway, what exactly would be the equivalent of native New Zealand dancing here? It might be Hawaiians dancing the hula or natives from a reservation doing a traditional dance. And then it wouldn't be PC folk, so-called "liberals," complaining, it would be reactionaries and rednecks whining as they tend to do. So I fail to see any point here at all. A country like New Zealand has come to grips with, or has tried to come to grips with, the rights of their surviving native peoples, and more fully accepted the reality of the historic horrors they inflicted on them, than most of our population ever has. Perhaps the only positive is we don't play Cowboys and Indians any more, and movie stars don't have to learn to ride horses...
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Re: Which nfl Team Will Be the First?

Post by NWebster »

Reaser wrote:Coincidentally, on the local news tonight they mentioned how a school district here in the Great State of Washington just banned tag. Following the lead of many schools and school districts across the nation over the past half decade plus. As everyone knows, or evidently not. I guess Rupert is living in the real world after all.
When I was a kid in the early 80's we played a game called "Smear the Queer" basically like tag but where when caught uou were tackled and piled on. It was so much fun when youre 9 or 10. It was literally only a couple years ago that it occurred to me that have any alterior meaning. Then again, we also threw rocks at each other. I don't suppose today's parents would take their kids on a "playdate" to throw rocks at each other!
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Re: Which nfl Team Will Be the First?

Post by Rupert Patrick »

Citizen wrote:
Rupert Patrick wrote: This has become a society in which children are no longer allowed to play the game tag because it might possibly stigmatize some child to have to be "it".
I walk my dog past an elementary school every day during the lunch hour, and every day there are two or three groups of kids playing tag -- within plain sight of politically correct teachers and neo-Nazi administrators!

That's what's happening in the real world. Your fantasies may vary.
From today's Drudge Report:

http://mynorthwest.com/992/2815456/Rant ... f-students
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Which nfl Team Will Be the First?

Post by James »

NWebster wrote:
Reaser wrote:Coincidentally, on the local news tonight they mentioned how a school district here in the Great State of Washington just banned tag. Following the lead of many schools and school districts across the nation over the past half decade plus. As everyone knows, or evidently not. I guess Rupert is living in the real world after all.
When I was a kid in the early 80's we played a game called "Smear the Queer" basically like tag but where when caught uou were tackled and piled on. It was so much fun when youre 9 or 10. It was literally only a couple years ago that it occurred to me that have any alterior meaning. Then again, we also threw rocks at each other. I don't suppose today's parents would take their kids on a "playdate" to throw rocks at each other!
Dude, when I was a kid in the early 1970's, we played "Smear the Queer" all the time. You threw up the football and whoever caught it, everyone else chased him and when caught we all piled on. We had rock fights all the time too, we also went n####r knocking, where you would knock on someone's door and run away. I also never knew a sling shot was called a sling shot until I was in the 3rd or 4th grade. It was known as a n####r shooter. Those were different times growing up in Texas in the early 1970's. For the record, I'm Jewish and not trying to be racist or anything like that here, just talking about a different time it was back then.
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Re: Which nfl Team Will Be the First?

Post by oldecapecod11 »

Looks like Dallas leads the way to having another "activity" banned?
We will, we will - SOCK you!

High School Dance Battle TURNS VIOLENT

http://www.tmz.com/2015/09/23/high-scho ... ot-served/
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Re: Which nfl Team Will Be the First?

Post by luckyshow »

Wow. Grew up in 50s in Brooklyn. Had similar games but without the colorful names. We had rock fights, crab apple fights (hard inedible small apples). When we had snowball fights we'd put rocks in them or make ice balls.

We did have the cowboys and Indians games, but no arrows or tomahawks. In addition to ball games mentioned before, we played whiffle ball, or is it wiffle ball? It must have been pretty new at that time. A lot of games with the little pink ball. Punch ball, slap ball, handball against a wall, a game on the sidewalk using the squares that may not have had a name. Games with baseball cards, flipping, or dropping them off a wall. Football in the street where a parked car made excellent screening material. I learned to kick far too straight down the middle when we would kick off by punting. Stickball. Eventually when we moved to different neighborhood, basketball games with a rim on a garage. In a big backyard, we'd punt to each other then tackle the ball carrier. I tried to avoid that by running fast and cutting a lot. But being tackled was inevitable, so in essence it waas like those games mentioned where everyone piled on someone.

Sometimes we would bike to where there was a baseball diamond. But we never had enough for full teams on both sides, but we were mostly all righties, so we made 3rd base 1st base, reversing the diamond. I sometimes switch hit but had to learn to hit to the left side. This proved embarrassing in college. In high school I ran track and played soccer. I tried out for baseball my freshman year t college. Maybe one reason I didn't make the cut is the first couple times I hit the ball I started running down the 3rd base line I was so used to that from childhood...
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Re: Which nfl Team Will Be the First?

Post by oldecapecod11 »

by luckyshow » Sun Sep 27, 2015 10:31 am
"... Maybe one reason I didn't make the cut is the first couple times I hit the ball I started running down the 3rd base line I was so used to that from childhood."

They did that in the filming of Pride of the Yankees.
Gary Cooper was right-handed and looked like a dork trying to swing left-handed.
So, they filmed him hitting right-handed and running to third base.
You cudda been a contenda...
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Re: Which nfl Team Will Be the First?

Post by BernardB »

As serendipity would have it I am reading "The Righteous Mind" by Jonathan Haidt where the all black Haka is mentioned (p239). His context isn't nationalism but the Haka helping to form team cohesiveness and perhaps working as a powerful stimulant.
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