Brazil and Chile

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Brazil and Chile

Post by luckyshow »

With both Brazil and Chile, I have researched their championship games ("bowls") but can't find anything past 2013. I realize this is too obscure even for me, and why should anyone know of these. Then there is the Boil Fish Bowl (really). A championship game for The Bahamas, the Commonwealth American Football League. Nothing makes much sense in that research, even years change for specific games!

What surprises me (or used to) is how almost no one I write about this at these organizations, leagues, teams, ever writes back and the few that do know so little it is odd, really.

Are stats an American obsession? Many "foreigners" don't seem to care about specifics much.

They should respond to me as very few care otherwise. Even the "big" sites are years/seasons behind even the larger leagues/countries...

I know everyone was waiting for the Serbian Bowl result (in Serbia it is called the English Bowl but it "translates" into Serbian Bowl in English!)

The Tulip Bowl also took place that day

As did this one

Here's two happening Saturday if you want to catch a plane

For how few would care about these, they are a lot of work to keep up with, to find, etc. These game s are much better publicized than reported after. Even the web sites don't care about results

Here is an example of what I mean.
This web site seems to stop at 2013
This one at 2012
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Re: Brazil and Chile

Post by PeterS »


You have my sympathies. Seems like some "one" handles a country's web site for this stuff, then when they get bored or occupied with something else, they stop updating. When a new person comes in, they start a whole new site, and re-research the info, rather than just picking up where the previous had left off.

By the way, the "World Championship of American Football" starts July 9 in Canton, Ohio.
This may be a classified secret, its not as if they've actually TOLD ANYONE ABOUT IT!

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Re: Brazil and Chile

Post by Reaser »

I think it's just an 'obscure' football issue.

Our local women's team, their website is their facebook page. Here's how this season went as far as updates/scores/etc ...

One post in January, "We're excited about the upcoming season"
One post in April, "Come watch our first home game"
One post in beginning of May, "We're 3-0, come to our next home game" (no scores for the first 3 games, no roster, no recap, just all of a sudden they're 3-0.)
One post end of May, "We're 5-1 and getting ready for our last away game" (again, jumped from 3-0 to 5-1 without a score mentioned or even that there was 2 more games after the "next home home")
One post beginning of June, "Final score, 24-0" (first score reported!)
One post a week later, "We have ended the regular season with a 24-13 win, we're 7-1, we're playoff bound!" (no mention that there was a game to be played but second straight score posted)
One post end of June, "We did not win last night." (no mention of when/where the playoff game was to be held, no score, season over and no more posts.)
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Re: Brazil and Chile

Post by luckyshow »

I specifically "despise" when the only website for a team or league or whatever, is on Facebook. There really is no index, nor a viable way to do so. No search, at least no true search. Very hard to find something from last year or three years ago. Plus what you wrote. It is haphazard. Though I will say that sometimes women pro football teams, and sometimes leagues, are not much better with web sites, not updating later years. And there is no way of knowing if a new page exists. One thing about the internet. So much is there at times, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack sorting through past years, and bad links, and Google likes to just dump everything in that doesn't quite match my search parameters....

They also don't always care about statistics. Until this year, the IWFL rarely listed much of the women kickers' successful field goals. And would either not list the distance if they did, or say for a specific FG that it was 7 yards or 14 yards. The latter is possible, I guess. Not sure how, though.

In Canadian football there can be a 12 yard field goal since the goal posts are ion the goal line. On July 4, there was a championship game of the Western Women's league in Canada. The Western Women's Canadian Football League. The Regina Riot beat the Edmonton Storm 53-6. The Regina kicker made a field goal at end of first half (it was still close). Unfortunately (for me) no distance was given. So I wrote the reporter. The game was played in Winnipeg and he was reporting for a Winnipeg paper. Yet all he could write back (he actually answered my query, quite unusual) was that the report gave no distance.

OK, maybe I don't question his not attending this game, even though they did regularly report he local team's games all season. Nor that he couldn't call the league or the Regina team. I guess. Anyway, the league has very little contact info and didn't answer my email. The Regina Riot "official" page has not been updtaed since the beginning of the 2013 season...

There was one FG in a game in the IWFL said to be 7 yards. The league actually responded and told me it was a reprint. It was 17 yards.

In the NFL there will now be field goals shorter than PATs, now
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Re: Brazil and Chile

Post by PeterS »

Got the link wrong for World Championship of American Football

also, there is:
which lists a roster for each country and "5 to watch" (their best players).

You're very correct about Facebook pages for teams and leagues, Luckyshow. Once I see that's where a link is going to take me, I don't even bother clicking.

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Re: Brazil and Chile

Post by Massimo Foglio »

Luckyshow, just for your information, last week Italy played all the leagues finals in one weekend (Nine men league, Second Division, IFL First Division and Women League), and added a new element of confusion to their list of finals.
Due to NFL specific request, the italian league is no more allowed to name its final "Super Bowl", so they had to rename it to "Italian Bowl", who has been the name of the Second Divison final in the last years.
I don't know yet if the other league playing in autumn and still using the name Super Bowl (or better: Superbowl) for its final will change the name as well. I'll keep you posted, but i already see your headache mounting, when trying to set the italian list of "Super/Italian/Waìhateveritsname Bowl"... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Brazil and Chile

Post by luckyshow »

1) To the person who sent me a private message (not sure you want your name mentioned here): Thank you. When I tried replying from where that message was, I got a message form without your name. When I inserted it in the space, it summoned nothing, said you didn't exist. So I say thank you here.

2) Yes, Italy name change is confusing. I am most interested in your mention of a woman's league, as outside North America, I only have such leagues in Germany and Austria. SO now I do have more research in that. What name should I use to try and search with?
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Re: Brazil and Chile

Post by luckyshow »

I also see that the Italian women's championship game is called the Rose Bowl. So they may eventually need to change that name as well someday..

I was looking around the site for the female Italian league. Is there any place with statistics. Or mention of any field goals?
Last edited by luckyshow on Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Massimo Foglio
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Re: Brazil and Chile

Post by Massimo Foglio »

The women league is named CIFAF (Campionato Italiano Football Americano Femminile) and its final is named Rose Bowl.
This league has only three years of life.
Here are the 2013 scores: ... af_fem.pdf
Here are the 2014 scores: ... af_fem.pdf
And here are the 2015 scores: ... .asp?id=47
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Re: Brazil and Chile

Post by luckyshow »

Can you tell I don't know how to copy a color in an HTML document and inset it into a Photoshop image? ... Italia.htm
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