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Post by Veeshik_ya »

JohnTurney wrote:
Veeshik_ya wrote:
Go ahead, take the last word. It's what you do.
What happened to this? Only took 40 minutes. :o
I found the baiting too delightful to resist! :D

And why let you off the hook? You're good for a few witty barbs, but when you meet your match you eventually start sputtering like an Edsel, and its fun to watch.
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Post by oldecapecod11 »

Gentlemen: (you too, Edsel)

This thread was designed to try to solve issues - not to provide a playground.
We have a presidential appointee that has engaged in a verbal onslaught against one of the most respected members
of this Association in an attempt to cover his own avoidance of the Truth and his inefficiency.

Instead of helping (contributing) to solve some of those issues, a few of you are acting like little marys on the sideline
who can't wait to tell teacher there's a fight.
Please; let us stay on track.

V... let it go. You know the poor critter is not your intellectual or literary equal. Everybody knows.
Don't make him look any more foolish than he makes himself.

John... stay with the coloring books and crayons. You are over-matched.

Ding Dong... while you were using your other name, you were destroyed by another of our most-respected members
when you got out of line. Didn't you learn?
Using this name, you were reprimanded for your foul mouth in January.
Now behave!

One of the major faults of this web site is the inability to identify the posters here as Members or Visitors.
If you are only a visitor, why not join and become part of the solution instead of contributing to the problem.
If you are a Member whose dollars are providing this playing field, why not go back to Page 1 here and see
if you can offer some suggestions to the Issues - not create others.

Thank you...

Keep in mind the "plea" of the vast majority of the defendants at Nuremberg: They were only following orders.
Maybe that is the root of the stench?
"It was a different game when I played.
When a player made a good play, he didn't jump up and down.
Those kinds of plays were expected."
~ Arnie Weinmeister
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Post by Veeshik_ya »

oldecapecod 11 wrote:
This thread was designed to try to solve issues - not to provide a playground.

Instead of helping (contributing) to solve some of those issues, a few of you are acting like little marys on the sideline
who can't wait to tell teacher there's a fight.
Please; let us stay on track.

You're right, OCC.
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Ken Crippen
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Post by Ken Crippen »

Just to recap:


Evidently a number of people have issues simply logging in.
Solution: ?

(And the suggestion is that the solution be provided for all -
not just those with whom the replier has an intimate relationship.)


KNOWN ISSUE Staying Logged in:
People get auto-logged out, can this be fixed?
Solution/Answer: ? Never got a response.

(I have not bothered to complain about this because I see so many issues being ignored, but...
sometimes I am required to log in two or three times at the start and then two or three times again
when I switch to another thread.
I take this as punishment for being outspoken.
Such is the practice during what can be remembered as "Uncle Mark's Cabal.")


KNOWN ISSUE Search Function:
A couple people have wondered if the search function can be fixed since it's essentially unusable
in it's current state.
Solution/Answer: ? Never got a response.

(Supposedly, this is easily fixed and the fault lies with the incompetence of the entity unanimously voted
to run this web site and to whom the ownership of the web site has been given.)


KNOWN ISSUE The Coffin Corner:
Will Reaser be sent or be able to read issues 36-5 and 36-6 anytime soon?
Answer: ?
EDIT: Ken Crippen has volunteered to email issues 3, 5 and 6 to any verified member until the website gets updated.

At the risk of "clutter," I might add that Issue 36-3 still had no link when last viewed.
And, is it futile to expect a timely mailing of each issue?
Every two months there seems to be another nonsense excuse but never a reasonable explanation.
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Post by Mark L. Ford »

We're all looking forward to when Ken and Phil become President and Executive Director.... and I'm glad to see that we have greater interest in this election.

You know, say what you will about the current officers, myself included, but nobody else wanted to run back in 2013. Say what you will about Chris, but nobody else wanted to be E.D. in 2014. Say what you will about his choice of webmaster, but it took months for him to find anyone else willing to to do it. Say what you will about Ken, but he handled all of the jobs that have now been divided among a lot of different people-- E.D, Coffin Corner editor, convention organizer, etc.-- and he did all that in addition to his regular job, working 24/7, and still took a lot of abuse from above and below. Back in 2008, Bob Carroll and I had exchanged e-mails, and I commented that "Whatever Ken gets paid, it's not enough," and Bob noted, "It's worse than that. None of us get paid."

I'm hoping that these last eight months will be a time of transition and healing, and not for opening or reopening wounds. We'll know by April 2 whether more than one person is on the ballot for any office, and if there's more than one candidate for President, then I will look forward to discussing fixes with them. Not everyone likes me, and there are some people here whom I don't like at all, but we do have one thing in common. We all want the best for this organization.
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Post by Veeshik_ya »

I'm no expert on non-profits, and thus no expert on non-profit board structure. I do know quite a bit about corporate structure, and I realize they're not the same thing.

That said, sometimes the concept of unanimous vote doesn't work. Sometimes you need someone in charge. I'm glad I live in a democracy, but I'd have no problem with government by a superior, providing the superior is the right person.

Is this the answer? Not necessarily. It's just an observation. Sometimes you need to clear the decks. Sometimes you need someone willing to step up and say, "this is what we're going to do."

Or, as Vince Lombardi said when he came to Green Bay: "I'm in charge here."
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Post by oldecapecod11 »

Indeed, a Crippen presidency will be a welcome change to "do something" from do nothing.
Ken will be his own man and I will certainly offer a suggestion as to who I think might best serve his administration.
If he agrees or if he does not, I will support that individual as best I can.
I believe Ken will show a strength that has been sorely lacking and an intent to serve the membership that has only been evidenced by one individual in the relatively short eight years (with a medical gap) of my involvement.

In the quick blaze of six days since this thread was created, there have been nearly 500 views and
not one suggestion or attempt by any board member to correct as much as one issue.
(A half-dozen of you have mentioned that privately and it remains so.)

The only board action was an unwarranted assault by the president's appointed batman against the man,
in my opinion, who has done more for the benfit of this association than any other and who has now
indicated his willingness to do more and take this august body forward - not backward.

It is a privilege to be a Member of this organization and it is an even greater privilege for one to be welcomed
as an outsider with access to so many of our scholars and so much of our files and data.
(I lurked on-and-off for a couple of years before first joining in 2007.)
We are far too generous in that regard and, in this, I disagree mightily with my dear friend V_ya.

In the past four years, I have suggested to four people that they run for various offices. Three chose not to do so.
One I am still trying to convince.
The current president's statement that it is difficult to gather help - good help, that is - is the only thing
he has ever said that rings true with me. Trash talkers and do-nothings you can get anywhere.
We have that now in some capacities.
We all hear at different levels.

I have referred to this era as "Uncle Mark's Cabal" and said that the manner of takeover resembles the "Enabling Act" prepetrated by the Nazis against the German people and eventually the entire free world. One need only read
Hattie Stowe's classic work or follow the step-by-step activites of the events leading to the last great war to know
that this is true.

But, it does not have to be the way we continue.

For the now, I do not want to add continuing supporting statements to the Crippen candidacy.
I made my statement when I offered his name in Nomination.

This thread is for other purposes - correcting problems.

Yes; I have two additional issues to address and I will do that but they are matters that appear to have affected just me
so I wanted the board to have the opportunity to address matters that affect many.
They have obviously chosen not to do that.
Why? I don't know.

But then, there's a lot I don't know which is one of the reasons I like this group so much.
I learn every day.
"It was a different game when I played.
When a player made a good play, he didn't jump up and down.
Those kinds of plays were expected."
~ Arnie Weinmeister
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Post by Veeshik_ya »

Veeshik_ya wrote:I'm no expert on non-profits, and thus no expert on non-profit board structure. I do know quite a bit about corporate structure, and I realize they're not the same thing.

That said, sometimes the concept of unanimous vote doesn't work. Sometimes you need someone in charge. I'm glad I live in a democracy, but I'd have no problem with government by a superior, providing the superior is the right person.

Is this the answer? Not necessarily. It's just an observation. Sometimes you need to clear the decks. Sometimes you need someone willing to step up and say, "this is what we're going to do."

Or, as Vince Lombardi said when he came to Green Bay: "I'm in charge here."
By the way, the comments above were not meant to slight the members of the PFRA board. More a comment on the best way to get things done.

Maybe one of you is a dynamic leader. Maybe you all are. Just saying that, sometimes, following a single visionary works.
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Post by Reaser »

As we blow by 500 views and near 50 posts we can take a second to pause and look at the numbers (since a majority of the membership likes stats): With neutrality and hopefully bringing some levity ...

49 posts in the "Known Issues" thread
2 posts by board members
47 posts by 'normal' members (*assuming all are dues paying members)
1 vowed to never post again but is posting again member (welcome back)
4 Known Issues
1 issue solved (partially, thanks to Ken people can now at least get the PDF's, but one member still doesn't have hard copies)
0 posts from the board addressing any of the "known issues"
1 (at least) Known Issue to add - Recent luckyshow and v_ya duplicate posts issue

Ken v. Chris
Defended Ken and/or thought Chris' post was out of line: 4 members (of those that have posted in this thread)
Defended Chris and/or thought Ken's post was out of line: 1 member (with one other member defending that member)
Defended both: 1 member

Members with known issues: Multiple
Excuses and Explanations: Multiple (Coach Tomlin would not be impressed)
Polemics: Yes
Times I had to attempt to post this because I was once again auto-logged out during the first attempt: 2
Comical: Majority of this thread
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Post by JohnTurney »

Reaser wrote:As we blow by 500 views and near 50 posts we can take a second to pause and look at the numbers (since a majority of the membership likes stats): With neutrality and hopefully bringing some levity ...

49 posts in the "Known Issues" thread
2 posts by board members
47 posts by 'normal' members (*assuming all are dues paying members)
1 vowed to never post again but is posting again member (welcome back)
4 Known Issues
1 issue solved (partially, thanks to Ken people can now at least get the PDF's, but one member still doesn't have hard copies)
0 posts from the board addressing any of the "known issues"
1 (at least) Known Issue to add - Recent luckyshow and v_ya duplicate posts issue

Ken v. Chris
Defended Ken and/or thought Chris' post was out of line: 4 members (of those that have posted in this thread)
Defended Chris and/or thought Ken's post was out of line: 1 member (with one other member defending that member)
Defended both: 1 member

Members with known issues: Multiple
Excuses and Explanations: Multiple (Coach Tomlin would not be impressed)
Polemics: Yes
Times I had to attempt to post this because I was once again auto-logged out during the first attempt: 2
Comical: Majority of this thread
Agree with you 99%. The one point of difference? I would not use the word comical to describe this thread. Sad would my word.