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Post by oldecapecod11 »

cdwillis » Sun Mar 15, 2015 12:30 pm
"To: All PFRA Members,
Thanks again Mr. Crippen and OldeCap Cod for continuing to complain and bitch about the website and everything about the PFRA. Since the two of you always want to know what is going on about the PFRA I will refresh your memories, but if you read the Coffin Corner you should know it already.
Mr. ED, It is typical of your avoidance of issues and lack of concern for ALL members that you begin your display of foolishness with a direct violation of a practice supposedly enforced by your superiors.
If you look among your ignored mail and find my first message to you, you will see it begins:
"I am Phil Wilson - aka oldecapecod 11 at the forum."
Whenever I have written to a member or a visitor, I have used that introduction.
So, your bratty behavior is lost. Nice try.

What is noticed, however, is that you defy the policy of your superiors who claim that their intent is to protect the privacy of our members.
You cannot do both. Therefore, you are totally without honor, have no concept of prudence, and completely
without the self-respect necessary to show respect for others.

You mumbled on for seven paragraphs and did not do what you promised: refresh a memory.

But, that is not unexpected. You have given no evidence of doing much of anything except avoid issues.


"In Oct. of 2013 Mr. Crippen resigned his post as PFRA Executive Director. When I was hired as new E.D. Mr. Crippen told me he NO longer wanted to be webmaster, he wanted that job off his plate. He wanted more time to do his own projects. As Executive Director, it states in the PFRA By-Laws (your
favorite subject Oldecap Cod) it says the E.D. hires the webmaster. At this time not only did our old webmaster did not want the job he had not updated
the site since taking over and had allowed the PFRA server to be on the brink of crashing. Which meant that we could've lost most of the PFRA records and
archives. When I took over I made a request to Mr. Crippen about putting the covers of the Coffin Corner up on the old site to show people visiting the site what our publication looks like. The cover of the CC should be on the home page. This request went unanswered. As the Executive Director I did NOT go the Forum and complain that a request did not get answered. I know the Board and PFRA volunteers have other things in life that might delay a request.
The By-laws are not my favorite subject. History is my favorite subject.
The willful and flagrant violation of the By-laws by your little cabal is simply an issue you have created.
I have said before and I will say again:
If one cannot respect the By-laws of an organization one serves, then one cannot have any self-respect.
Without self-respect, one cannot have respect for or of the Membership.

Your limp-wristed personal attack of Ken Crippen is a fine example of your overall lack of efficiency.


"So, last year I found a new webmaster to the best of my ability, within budget and through the approval of the PFRA Board of Directors. I did that. The contract was signed last summer in Cleveland at our PFRA meeting. The PFRA Board and one non-Board member, Mr. Crippen, had time to talk to the new webmaster and look over the contract. Mr. Crippen did not talk to him or look over the contract, all he ask me was that his PFRA email address still be active, although he was no longer a Board member. I said that was ok, although no other PFRA member has that privilege."
Other members HAVE had that privilege.
I have an old e-mail from one of your superiors using that address when he first ran for office.
Please; if you are going to lie, at least try not to make it so obvious.


"Since October the PFRA new website has been operational. Because of the new site we have received over 40+ new members. Not because of the Forum, or advertising, but because we updated our website."


"The small issues that members have had have been dealt with. Most of the Board members and myself have personally dealt with these issues on a daily basis. We have worked with our new webmaster to correct these issues. Some times they are done quickly, sometimes they have taken longer than expected, but they are being dealt with. I am personally sick and tired of hearing from just a few members who have nothing better to do than complain on the Forum. If you think you can do a better job than go ahead and try."
When the same people mention for months that they are experiencing the same problem, it is quite obvious very little has been done.

Without stooping to your level and calling out individuals, let us simply look at Coffin Corner
Issue #36-3, #36-5, and #36-6.
#36-3 has no means of access. That will be ONE YEAR OLD on May 1. Is that "longer than expected?"
#36-5 and #36-6 have not even been posted. #36-5 was SIX MONTHS OLD on March 1; #36-6 was FOUR.

It might be nice to address the issue rather than be sick and tired - unless, of course, your inefficiency
is the result of sickness. Speak up!


"I have been a member of the PFRA for 22 years and have seen it grow from the one-man operation of Bob Carroll, to what we have now. Can we improve and make it better, yes we can. But the bottom line is that everybody does their job for free and don't expect anything from their roles. I would think that our members would know this, especially Mr. Crippen, who resigned because of these types of issues and demands.

"As for the release of the Coffin Corner, the first issue of the year was sent to the printer around Feb. 15th and was posted on the Members Only section od the website on Feb. 20th. It usually takes 2-3 weeks to get every copy mailed out by the printer. Once again our Coffin Corner writers, editors, and staff are all VOLUNTEERS and do it for free."
No; the bottom line is to address the issues and stop whining about the one man who has done more
than any seven to keep this organization alive and functioning - rather efficiently, I might add. That's Ken!

Your continued avoidance of the issues is the major problem. Period.


Veeshik_ya » Sun Mar 15, 2015 1:48 pm
"I've had my issues with Ken Crippen, I won't deny that. But his response makes a lot of sense.
When you could post a public answer to technical issues you've gone as record as saying you know how to solve but for some reason you don't, what other conclusion is there to draw other than you must have some agenda only known to yourself?
It'd be comical if it weren't so stupid.
Perhaps V_ya is on the money. Maybe the reason is stupidity?

It's not too late, Mr. ED. If you roll up your sleeves, you can learn as you go.

In the eternal words of Rosie the Riveter: "We can do it."
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Post by Reaser »

The way this thread has gone wasn't exactly what I envisioned when I made the suggestion for a "known issues' thread.

Was more thinking along the lines of a list of issues, followed by a list of solutions.

Regardless, it has worked out for me since, half a year later, I can now finally read the two CC issues that I neither have a hard copy of (still don't) nor could I read the online version (since they aren't online) ... So we did get one (partial) solution out of this. Thanks, Ken.

Just finished reading John Turney's award winning article on Roman Gabriel, pretty good stuff.

Hopefully someday the hard copies will show up, but having the PDF's works for now. That's all I wanted, was to be able to read the issues.
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Post by Ken Crippen »

Reaser wrote: ...
Regardless, it has worked out for me since, half a year later, I can now finally read the two CC issues that I neither have a hard copy of (still don't) nor could I read the online version (since they aren't online) ... So we did get one (partial) solution out of this. Thanks, Ken.

Just finished reading John Turney's award winning article on Roman Gabriel, pretty good stuff.

Hopefully someday the hard copies will show up, but having the PDF's works for now. That's all I wanted, was to be able to read the issues.
I am glad that six months later, you are now able to read Coffin Corner. Turney's article was excellent!!
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Post by oldecapecod11 »

by Reaser » Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:50 pm
"The way this thread has gone wasn't exactly what I envisioned when I made the suggestion for a "known issues' thread.
Was more thinking along the lines of a list of issues, followed by a list of solutions.
Regardless, it has worked out for me since, half a year later, I can now finally read the two CC issues that I neither have a hard copy of (still don't) nor could I read the online version (since they aren't online) ... So we did get one (partial) solution out of this. Thanks, Ken...
Just finished reading John Turney's award winning article on Roman Gabriel, pretty good stuff.
...Hopefully someday the hard copies will show up, but having the PDF's works for now. That's all I wanted, was to be able to read the issues.

I think everyone knows the intent of this thread was simply to isolate common issues and move to correct them.
It can still be such.

No one expected such a violent personal assault againt Ken Crippen - the person who created and operated this web site, including this forum, and maintained it for so long without reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses.

How ironic that it is Ken who came to the rescue of the board and answered your call for help while the board sat on its collective hands for months and ignored you.
This act, in and of itself, certainly highlights the lies that shriek from the keyboard of the president's appointee.
Maybe they expect Ken to take on more of their responsibility and reproduce and mail hard copy to you as well?

Some have already been addressed and the rest of willis' lies will be debunked shortly - one at a time.
I am simply waiting and hoping the knowing board members will man up; meanwhile: KUDOS for Ken Crippen.
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When a player made a good play, he didn't jump up and down.
Those kinds of plays were expected."
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Post by Jeremy Crowhurst »

oldecapecod 11 wrote:Some have already been addressed and the rest of willis' lies will be debunked shortly - one at a time.
I am simply waiting and hoping the knowing board members will man up; meanwhile: KUDOS for Ken Crippen.
I think they think that they're like Fonzie - "I'm s-s-s-s-s... I'm s-s-s-s-s-sor... I'm s-s-s-s-s-sor..." Just can't get the words out.

Happy days, indeed. I wouldn't hold your breath.
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Post by JohnTurney »

For Heckle and Jeckle
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Post by JohnTurney »

Ken Crippen wrote: Step up and be a leader instead of just blaming others.
Totally uncalled for. IMO.
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Post by Ken Crippen »

JohnTurney wrote:
Ken Crippen wrote: Step up and be a leader instead of just blaming others.
Totally uncalled for. IMO.
But his attacks and lies about me were fine?
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Post by JohnTurney »

King Kong wrote:Ironically, I have had absolutely no trouble viewing the forum after being insulted off the board and vowing not to post again. Prior to that time, it was hit or miss as to whether I'd gain access.

I refuse to excessively fight at THIS forum. I need not always "win" or get the last word. Sometimes the best choice is to exit.

The whole board went nuts after the switch. Complaints left and right. Football comments. Then I felt insulted in the fall. Football research. More complaints. Football stuff. Then I got into a Seinfeld/Curb Your Enthusiasm-type nonsense fight. Football information. Then more complaints. That's how I sum up the new forum.

Maybe we could all take a chill pill. Take the whole month of April off. Realize that we are all supposed to be friends here. Again, I do NOT want to FIGHT at THIS forum. Other forums, sure. No problem. I've done it and will do it again. But not here. Not interested.
well said