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Post by oldecapecod11 »


Great Idea!
At the outstanding suggestion of one of our most aware, cooperative and productive members, here it is.



Evidently a number of people have issues simply logging in.
Solution: ?

(And the suggestion is that the solution be provided for all -
not just those with whom the replier has an intimate relationship.)


KNOWN ISSUE Staying Logged in:
People get auto-logged out, can this be fixed?
Solution/Answer: ? Never got a response.

(I have not bothered to complain about this because I see so many issues being ignored, but...
sometimes I am required to log in two or three times at the start and then two or three times again
when I switch to another thread.
I take this as punishment for being outspoken.
Such is the practice during what can be remembered as "Uncle Mark's Cabal.")


KNOWN ISSUE Search Function:
A couple people have wondered if the search function can be ixed since it's essentially unusable
in it's current state.
Solution/Answer: ? Never got a response.

(Supposedly, this is easily fixed and the fault lies with the incompetence of the entity unanimously voted
to run this web site and to whom the ownership of the web site has been given.)


KNOWN ISSUE The Coffin Corner:
Will Reaser be sent or be able to read issues 36-5 and 36-6 anytime soon?
Answer: ?

At the risk of "clutter," I might add that Issue 36-3 still had no link when last viewed.
And, is it futile to expect a timely mailing of each issue?
Every two months there seems to be another nonsense excuse but never a reasonable explanation.


Those are the issues listed in the earlier post at another thread.
There are others questioned from this seat but they deal primarily with deceit and secrecy.
If someone can man up and try to take some baby steps with the open matters, perhaps we can eventually
address problems with By-law violation(s) and withholding of data which should be shared with the Membership.

Consider this:
If a person has no respect for the laws of the organization he serves, it is doubtful he has any self-respect.
Without self-respect, how can one show respect for the Membership he serves?
It is beyond dispute.
"It was a different game when I played.
When a player made a good play, he didn't jump up and down.
Those kinds of plays were expected."
~ Arnie Weinmeister
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Post by oldecapecod11 »

KNOWN ISSUE The Coffin Corner:
Will Reaser be sent or be able to read issues 36-5 and 36-6 anytime soon?
Answer: ?

At the risk of "clutter," I might add that Issue 36-3 still had no link when last viewed.
And, is it futile to expect a timely mailing of each issue?
Every two months there seems to be another nonsense excuse but never a reasonable explanation.


So as not to be accused of crying "wolf," anyone who chooses to do so can see that the link
to Issue #36-3 is still missing at Members Only.
It has been like this since reaser first commented about not receiving #s 36-5 and 36-6.
The 36-3 matter has been mentioned before as has the non-exitence of 36-5 and 36-6 in Members Only.
It can be considered trivial if you wish but it is still failure to deliver goods and services for which
a member has paid and no offer of any explanation as to why.
"It was a different game when I played.
When a player made a good play, he didn't jump up and down.
Those kinds of plays were expected."
~ Arnie Weinmeister
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Ken Crippen
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Post by Ken Crippen »

I know that the problem of CC Vol 36 Numbers 3,5 and 6 has been raised previously on the forum with no response, and an email I sent to management went unanswered. Therefore, I am going to make PDF's of those missing issues available to PFRA Members in good standing (last year or this year). Just send me your full name and mailing address (just for verification of membership) and I will email the issues to you.
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Post by cdwillis »

To: All PFRA Members,

Thanks again Mr. Crippen and OldeCap Cod for continuing to complain and bitch about the website and everything about the PFRA. Since the two of you always want to know what is going on about the PFRA I will refresh your memories, but if you read the Coffin Corner you should know it already.

In Oct. of 2013 Mr. Crippen resigned his post as PFRA Executive Director. When I was hired as new E.D. Mr. Crippen told me he NO longer wanted to be webmaster, he wanted that job off his plate. He wanted more time to do his own projects. As Executive Director, it states in the PFRA By-Laws (your
favorite subject Oldecap Cod) it says the E.D. hires the webmaster. At this time not only did our old webmaster did not want the job he had not updated
the site since taking over and had allowed the PFRA server to be on the brink of crashing. Which meant that we could've lost most of the PFRA records and
archives. When I took over I made a request to Mr. Crippen about putting the covers of the Coffin Corner up on the old site to show people visiting the site what our publication looks like. The cover of the CC should be on the home page. This request went unanswered. As the Executive Director I did NOT go the Forum and complain that a request did not get answered. I know the Board and PFRA volunteers have other things in life that might delay a request.

So, last year I found a new webmaster to the best of my ability, within budget and through the approval of the PFRA Board of Directors. I did that. The contract was signed last summer in Cleveland at our PFRA meeting. The PFRA Board and one non-Board member, Mr. Crippen, had time to talk to the new webmaster and look over the contract. Mr. Crippen did not talk to him or look over the contract, all he ask me was that his PFRA email address still be active, although he was no longer a Board member. I said that was ok, although no other PFRA member has that privilege.

Since October the PFRA new website has been operational. Because of the new site we have received over 40+ new members. Not because of the Forum, or advertising, but because we updated our website.

The small issues that members have had have been dealt with. Most of the Board members and myself have personally dealt with these issues on a daily basis. We have worked with our new webmaster to correct these issues. Some times they are done quickly, sometimes they have taken longer than expected, but they are being dealt with. I am personally sick and tired of hearing from just a few members who have nothing better to do than complain on the Forum. If you think you can do a better job than go ahead and try.

I have been a member of the PFRA for 22 years and have seen it grow from the one-man operation of Bob Carroll, to what we have now. Can we improve and make it better, yes we can. But the bottom line is that everybody does their job for free and don't expect anything from their roles. I would think that our members would know this, especially Mr. Crippen, who resigned because of these types of issues and demands.

As for the release of the Coffin Corner, the first issue of the year was sent to the printer around Feb. 15th and was posted on the Members Only section od the website on Feb. 20th. It usually takes 2-3 weeks to get every copy mailed out by the printer. Once again our Coffin Corner writers, editors, and staff are all VOLUNTEERS and do it for free.

Chris Willis
Executive Director, PFRA
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Ken Crippen
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Post by Ken Crippen »

cdwillis wrote:To: All PFRA Members,

Thanks again Mr. Crippen and OldeCap Cod (or Phil Wilson, your real name) for continuing to complain and bitch about the website and everything about the PFRA. Since the two of you always want to know what is going on about the PFRA I will refresh your memories, but if you read the Coffin Corner you should know it already.

In Oct. of 2013 Mr. Crippen resigned his post as PFRA Executive Director. When I was hired as new E.D. Mr. Crippen told me he NO longer wanted to be webmaster, he wanted that job off his plate. He wanted more time to do his own projects. As Executive Director, it states in the PFRA By-Laws (your
favorite subject Oldecap Cod) it says the E.D. hires the webmaster. At this time not only did our old webmaster did not want the job he had not updated
the site since taking over and had allowed the PFRA server to be on the brink of crashing. Which meant that we could've lost most of the PFRA records and
archives. When I took over I made a request to Mr. Crippen about putting the covers of the Coffin Corner up on the old site to show people visiting the site what our publication looks like. The cover of the CC should be on the home page. This request went unanswered. As the Executive Director I did NOT go the Forum and complain that a request did not get answered. I know the Board and PFRA volunteers have other things in life that might delay a request.

So, last year I found a new webmaster to the best of my ability, within budget and through the approval of the PFRA Board of Directors. I did that. The contract was signed last summer in Cleveland at our PFRA meeting. The PFRA Board and one non-Board member, Mr. Crippen, had time to talk to the new webmaster and look over the contract. Mr. Crippen did not talk to him or look over the contract, all he ask me was that his PFRA email address still be active, although he was no longer a Board member. I said that was ok, although no other PFRA member has that privilege.

Since October the PFRA new website has been operational. Because of the new site we have received over 40+ new members. Not because of the Forum, or advertising, but because we updated our website.

The small issues that members have had have been dealt with. Most of the Board members and myself have personally dealt with these issues on a daily basis. We have worked with our new webmaster to correct these issues. Some times they are done quickly, sometimes they have taken longer than expected, but they are being dealt with. I am personally sick and tired of hearing from just a few members who have nothing better to do than complain on the Forum. If you think you can do a better job than go ahead and try.

I have been a member of the PFRA for 22 years and have seen it grow from the one-man operation of Bob Carroll, to what we have now. Can we improve and make it better, yes we can. But the bottom line is that everybody does their job for free and don't expect anything from their roles. I would think that our members would know this, especially Mr. Crippen, who resigned because of these types of issues and demands.

As for the release of the Coffin Corner, the first issue of the year was sent to the printer around Feb. 15th and was posted on the Members Only section od the website on Feb. 20th. It usually takes 2-3 weeks to get every copy mailed out by the printer. Once again our Coffin Corner writers, editors, and staff are all VOLUNTEERS and do it for free.

Chris Willis
Executive Director, PFRA
So, it is my fault that these problems exist. Got it. Anything else you want to blame on the previous administration?

As far as I can see, I am the only one who provided a solution to the problem. In your long diatribe, you again avoided to actually provide a solution.

Continue to stick your head in the sand and blame others for issues that arose under your "leadership." Continue to criticize your criticizers instead of fixing the problems. I guess that it doesn't dawn on you that people are going to the forum to air their complaints because you willfully ignore them when they try to contact you privately? They have no other avenue to try to get the things that they PAID for with their membership dues.

Step up and be a leader instead of just blaming others.
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Post by Veeshik_ya »

Ken Crippen and I have locked horns on occasion, I won't deny that. But his response makes a lot of sense.

When you could post a public answer to technical issues you've gone as record as saying you know how to solve but for some reason you don't, what other conclusion is there to draw other than you must have some agenda known only to yourself?

It'd be comical if it weren't so stupid.
King Kong
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Post by King Kong »

Ironically, I have had absolutely no trouble viewing the forum after being insulted off the board and vowing not to post again. Prior to that time, it was hit or miss as to whether I'd gain access.

I refuse to excessively fight at THIS forum. I need not always "win" or get the last word. Sometimes the best choice is to exit.

The whole board went nuts after the switch. Complaints left and right. Football comments. Then I felt insulted in the fall. Football research. More complaints. Football stuff. Then I got into a Seinfeld/Curb Your Enthusiasm-type nonsense fight. Football information. Then more complaints. That's how I sum up the new forum.

Maybe we could all take a chill pill. Take the whole month of April off. Realize that we are all supposed to be friends here. Again, I do NOT want to FIGHT at THIS forum. Other forums, sure. No problem. I've done it and will do it again. But not here. Not interested.
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Ken Crippen
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Post by Ken Crippen »

cdwillis wrote:At this time not only did our old webmaster did not want the job he had not updated
the site since taking over and had allowed the PFRA server to be on the brink of crashing. Which meant that we could've lost most of the PFRA records and
I wanted to address this specifically, since it is a flat-out lie. The server was in no jeopardy and the archives were in no jeopardy, and you know that. But, don't let facts get in the way of a good rant. The computer I was using to make changes to the site was dying (over five years old). Not only would the website have still been active, but all PFRA records are kept in multiple places offline.

Funny, in the amount of time that you took to post your criticism of me, you could have spent far less time just addressing the issues that were raised.

Mr. Crippen did not talk to him or look over the contract, all he ask me was that his PFRA email address still be active, although he was no longer a Board member.
Another lie, but don't let that stop you.

Because of the new site we have received over 40+ new members. Not because of the Forum, or advertising, but because we updated our website.
Seriously? As someone who was in your position previously, there is absolutely no way that you can make that statement.

If you want to keep lying to the membership, go ahead. I, however, am no longer going to tolerate it. The dues-paying membership deserves better than to be lied to.
Jeremy Crowhurst
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Post by Jeremy Crowhurst »

cdwillis wrote:To: All PFRA Members,

Thanks again Mr. Crippen and OldeCap Cod for continuing to complain and bitch about the website and everything about the PFRA. Since the two of you always want to know what is going on about the PFRA I will refresh your memories, but if you read the Coffin Corner you should know it already.

In Oct. of 2013 Mr. Crippen resigned his post as PFRA Executive Director. When I was hired as new E.D. Mr. Crippen told me he NO longer wanted to be webmaster, he wanted that job off his plate. He wanted more time to do his own projects. As Executive Director, it states in the PFRA By-Laws (your
favorite subject Oldecap Cod) it says the E.D. hires the webmaster. At this time not only did our old webmaster did not want the job he had not updated
the site since taking over and had allowed the PFRA server to be on the brink of crashing. Which meant that we could've lost most of the PFRA records and
archives. When I took over I made a request to Mr. Crippen about putting the covers of the Coffin Corner up on the old site to show people visiting the site what our publication looks like. The cover of the CC should be on the home page. This request went unanswered. As the Executive Director I did NOT go the Forum and complain that a request did not get answered. I know the Board and PFRA volunteers have other things in life that might delay a request.

So, last year I found a new webmaster to the best of my ability, within budget and through the approval of the PFRA Board of Directors. I did that. The contract was signed last summer in Cleveland at our PFRA meeting. The PFRA Board and one non-Board member, Mr. Crippen, had time to talk to the new webmaster and look over the contract. Mr. Crippen did not talk to him or look over the contract, all he ask me was that his PFRA email address still be active, although he was no longer a Board member. I said that was ok, although no other PFRA member has that privilege.

Since October the PFRA new website has been operational. Because of the new site we have received over 40+ new members. Not because of the Forum, or advertising, but because we updated our website.

The small issues that members have had have been dealt with. Most of the Board members and myself have personally dealt with these issues on a daily basis. We have worked with our new webmaster to correct these issues. Some times they are done quickly, sometimes they have taken longer than expected, but they are being dealt with. I am personally sick and tired of hearing from just a few members who have nothing better to do than complain on the Forum. If you think you can do a better job than go ahead and try.

I have been a member of the PFRA for 22 years and have seen it grow from the one-man operation of Bob Carroll, to what we have now. Can we improve and make it better, yes we can. But the bottom line is that everybody does their job for free and don't expect anything from their roles. I would think that our members would know this, especially Mr. Crippen, who resigned because of these types of issues and demands.

As for the release of the Coffin Corner, the first issue of the year was sent to the printer around Feb. 15th and was posted on the Members Only section od the website on Feb. 20th. It usually takes 2-3 weeks to get every copy mailed out by the printer. Once again our Coffin Corner writers, editors, and staff are all VOLUNTEERS and do it for free.

Chris Willis
Executive Director, PFRA
Your response to this situation is beneath you and the office you hold.

To point out the obvious, yes, it is one or two people -- usually OCC -- who is making complaints. But what is it that you expect? Do you expect the membership at large to jump in and say "me too" every time somebody makes a complaint? Do you want a head count to see how many people are noticing something gets screwed up? It would crash the boards if they did that.

When somebody makes a complaint, and it's a perfectly valid complaint, deal with it. As for the bitching, well, that's what happens when you let things simmer without dealing with them.
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Post by oldecapecod11 »

Just look back in time folks and you will see a step-by-step resemblance.
One thing to keep in mind, Mr. ED is simply the batman.
Let's protect the state of the PFRA - as it was going, not where it is headed.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it...
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic
and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers
to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension,
the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.
--- Joseph Goebbels, German Minister of Propaganda, 1933-1945
"It was a different game when I played.
When a player made a good play, he didn't jump up and down.
Those kinds of plays were expected."
~ Arnie Weinmeister