Conspiracy theory? Not bloody likely ...

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Conspiracy theory? Not bloody likely ...

Post by JeffreyMiller »

OK, let me clarify about this scandal .....

On March 4, I posted on the forum that I could not access the forum from my home PC. On March 9, Oldcapecod sent an email to me asking if anyone had contacted me regarding this matter. I replied that no one had, thinking we were talking about the message I posted on March 4. The fact is that Chris and at least one other member had contacted my before my post of March 4. My March 4 post was made because the issue had still not been resolved since the first time I mentioned it, weeks before March 4. It wasn't meant to disparage anyone on the forum, or any officers of the PFRA. I was simply stating that I still could not get on the forum from my home PC.

As far as conspiracies are concerned ... Chris Willis is a good friend of mine. He has a full time job that occupies him well beyond the normal 40 hour, Mon-Fri work week. He doesn't have the time to rush to my aide--or anyone else's--at the drop of a hat. Furthermore, I may sound biased, but I haven't seen evidence of preferential treatment on this board or within the PFRA in general. From what I understand, the forum issues really have nothing to do with the officers or PFRA members at all. Remember that the officers are serving pro bono, and the responsibilities often grow to unforeseen proportions. The work that Ken C, Mark F, Chris W, Andy P, and all others have done in their roles is highly commendable.

To Oldcapecod ... thank you for your efforts in trying to get my issues resolved.

If my messages regarding access to the forum are the root of all of this ill feeling, then I hereby apologize, unequivocally and unreservedly. We're all here for the same reason.
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Re: Conspiracy theory? Not bloody likely ...

Post by paulksandiego »

Well said, Sir!
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Re: Conspiracy theory? Not bloody likely ...

Post by JohnTurney »

Double well said, Jeff./
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Re: Conspiracy theory? Not bloody likely ...

Post by Veeshik_ya »

Triple well said, Sir.

John, can you make a colorized image of Jeff's post for posterity?
Mark L. Ford
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Re: Conspiracy theory? Not bloody likely ...

Post by Mark L. Ford »

And a fourth. Thanks, Jeff, for coming to Chris's defense and reminding folks that most of us here, whether officers, members or visitors, have a life beyond PFRA. The deadline for nominations is going to close soon, and I hasten to point out that Jeffrey Miller is a neutral party who runs the process and counts the votes. I know who at least four of the people are who others nominated, and I'm looking forward to finding out the final ballot on April 2. Any dissatisfied member is still welcome to run for office...
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Re: Conspiracy theory? Not bloody likely ...

Post by Veeshik_ya »

Now, I'm never going to rival Einstein for white papers but if the time (or lack thereof) of our esteemed board is such an issue wouldn't it make sense to post one simple "here's how to resolve forum technical problems" message to all and sundry?

Who knows, maybe helping the entire readership instead of taking care of a buddy might result in an increase of paid membership from 200 to 201, with the double benefit of only having to post it once.

This is just the way my brain works. Maybe I'm missing something.


Care to weigh in on this matter, James? Do you think we're being too hard on poor Chris? :lol:
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Re: Conspiracy theory? Not bloody likely ...

Post by Reaser »

Veeshik_ya wrote:wouldn't it make sense to post one simple "here's how to resolve forum technical problems" message to all
Seems prudent.

We can either discuss football or we can keep having threads like this or forum related questions infiltrating football related threads.

Seems like it would make sense to have ONE thread, "Known Issues", and have the solutions posted or if there is no solution note that as well. An answer either way would probably solve a lot of this.

Known Issues -

Login: Evidently a number of people have issues simply logging in.
Solution: ?

Staying Logged in: People get auto-logged out, can this be fixed?
Solution/Answer: ? Never got a response.

Search Function: A couple people have wondered if the search function can be fixed since it's essentially unusable in it's current state.
Solution/Answer: ? Never got a response.

The Coffin Corner: Will Reaser be sent or be able to read issues 36-5 and 36-6 anytime soon?
Answer: ?

I would normally think an e-mail or private message would provide the solution when any member has an issue, but since multiple people have similar issues it makes more sense to have one thread providing the solutions to those issues. One thread. Not multiple unanswered threads, where members ask valid questions, don't get a response, then complain leading to others to complain about them complaining (always helps the discourse), then some defend the complainers, some defend the complaining about the complainers, then those that might have the answers finally respond but don't post the answers for whatever reason, and ultimately nothing happens leading to yet another thread down the line.

If it's an issue of time. I visit these forums semi-frequently and I personally don't work 9am to 8:59:59am seven days a week so I think I could manage to find the 30 seconds max that it would take to respond if any PFRA member has an issue. So if anyone who has the solutions would like to e-mail them all to me, I would have no problem being the in-between to getting these issues solved for numerous PFRA members. That way the board doesn't have to deal with normal members, the normal members can get quick answers without complaining and cluttering up the forum, and the people without issues don't have to jump in to complain about others having issues and wanting answers to them.

Or someone else could be delegated for that role, like a site or forum moderator.
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