Is anyone is or near Canton?

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Ken Crippen
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Re: Is anyone is or near Canton?

Post by Ken Crippen »

Not sure what your schedule is on getting the info, but I will be there sometime in the next month (end of March at the latest). If you still need the info, just email me and I will take care of it when I am there.
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Re: Is anyone is or near Canton?

Post by JohnTurney »

oldecapecod 11 wrote:by JohnTurney » Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:42 pm

oldecapecod 11 wrote:

JohnTurney » Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:31 pm
"If so, I need a little bit if research done at HOF library."

John, what's wrong with the hall workers who are alleged PFRA Members or receive a free subscription to our Coffin Corner.
That's about as "near" as you can get and, surely, they would want to "give back" or help one of their brethren?

Nothing at all, they are helping me now. Even as I post this, but I needed something I'd rather have someone in the area do when they are going to be there.
I am really getting bored with the phony accuasations posted here by a very small number (perhaps as low and two) of people.
Certainly folks have a right to free speech and they can post, for the most part, what they want. But I will excercise mine to rebutt the nonsense.
Here it is: Quit bitching. It makes those with these repetitive accuasations look like babies.


Calm down. Act nice. Don't let your panties get in a wedge.

I don't want your comments in this thread to deteriorate as they did in another.

My inquiry was simply trying to be helpful.
You know you have been forgetful in the past - for example: Connecticut, and Walker/Rote, and other matters as well.
There is no need to delve into them here. It is past.

If you had forgotten we have members in Canton or people there getting "freebies," I simply intended to remind you.
If we no longer had those contacts, I was going to offer to have a relative visit from western Pennsylvania -
IF it was a matter of importance and NOT a chore you were assigned by a sportswriter and looked to the membership
to help you complete.

Additionally, this most recent post of yours seems confusing?
"Even as I post this, but I needed something I'd rather have someone in the area do when they are going to be there."
I would think someone working in Canton would almost HAVE to "be there?" No?
Worry about your own panties. I will worry about mine. As for Connecticut, your help was nill. I found the photo I was seeking online. Your offered to help but were not helpful. I contacted the library in question and they gave me the name of the photographer who I contacted. He gave me his asking price on the photo and I gave it. And I have the shot in my possession. Other than an offer what good did you do me? Offers are not doing.

As for those in Canton to whom you offered your cheap shot, they deserve better. And now, it seems I regret almost any post I make because you and the other "geezer" always pipe in and slam people. I've grown tired of it and am giving you a taste of your own medicine. As far as the confusing part, I asked for help and then got it, in the interim, you took a shot at some people I highly respect. You and the other loudmouth seem to jump in without full information and go off half-cocked, which is likely more literal than we can imagine.
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Re: Is anyone is or near Canton?

Post by oldecapecod11 »

Be still.

Bend over and pick up all the marbles. You can have them.
Put them in a bag and keep them with your crayons in your toy area.

If any of your antagonism is caused by nuclear testing in your area, there is likely help for you.
Your own Albuquerque Tribune was a leader in the investigation of government testings against unwilling civilians.
You might check a Library for some of their old files for suggestions as to how to proceed.
There is much data in many publications concerning the damage to the atmosphere.

As for this thread, I can no longer tolerate your nonsense.

You may ramble as you wish. My participation is ended.
"It was a different game when I played.
When a player made a good play, he didn't jump up and down.
Those kinds of plays were expected."
~ Arnie Weinmeister
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Re: Is anyone is or near Canton?

Post by Veeshik_ya »

I always heard it was the thought that counts. At least that's what my mama told me. But she's part of the general public, so what could she know?
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Re: Is anyone is or near Canton?

Post by JohnTurney »

oldecapecod 11 wrote: My participation is ended.
What a relief.
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