Bryant Young HoF

Discuss candidates for the Pro Football Hall of Fame and the PFRA's Hall of Very Good
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Hail Casares
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Re: Bryant Young HoF

Post by Hail Casares »

Fun trvial note:

One of this preseason games was the game where Terrell Davis lit up a 49ers return man and earned his keep on the team and started a HOF career.
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Re: Bryant Young HoF

Post by JohnTurney »

Hail Casares wrote:
Now it's gone from Schlereth played against him to...he didn't...well maybe in the preseason....he sat in on game planning meetings?!

This is the type of stuff that gets people into the HOF now?

Wish I had your level of respect for people. If you read the quote, he played at Stubby anyway, but that in the game plan (preseason or not)
he had 1-on-1 with Stubblefield that is what Alex Gibbs told him so that the C and RG would have Young.

But what you are leaving out is all the other stuff, even if you want to dismiss Stinky, you have Timmerman, Gogan and those guys, plus
6 blue seasons and 7 red (13 above first line) versus 8 above first line for Randle and Sapp. And that comes from the scout(s) that
Paul Zimmerman featured in 1982 in SI.

So, what is happening here is you refusing to accept that you know less than all these other people. And you do. All you are doing is looking
at All-Pros. Anyone can do that. Any fan. In this case it was a deeper dive than surface stuff.

And anyone who is blue or red 13 times is a hall of fame. 8 times is a hall of famer.

so, you ant to not use Stink read the others.
Mark Schlereth: One of the things about Hall of Fame voting that is interesting to me, and I think for a lot of guys is that it’s not so much about statistics but how you felt about a particular player. It’s one of those things, I don’t know exactly how to explain what a Hall of Famer is, but I know one when I see him.

When I played and we played the Niners, I played left guard for Denver at that time. I played against Dana Stubblefield, who was a defensive player of the year and had all kinds of accolades. When we played the Niners, our coaches told me you’re one-on-one this weekend with Stubblefield because the other dude (Bryant Young) is a real live bitch, that sumbitch can play. You’ll be fine on the other side against the defensive player of the year, but we need help and we’re going to turn protection to BY. That’s the kind of respect our coaches had for BY, that’s the kind of respect we had for him as a player. I used to joke around all the time that I pray for that guy to get sick. Not permanently, just on Sunday. That would help us out quite a bit. He was that much of a problem from a game planning standpoint. We used to call them when I was playing “War Daddies.” Any time you have one of those War Daddies how are you going to figure out how you’re going to block that guy. Every time you break the freaking huddle, you’re getting four hands on that dude. You’re double-teaming him 100% of the time. That’s what made him great, he made you change game plans or create game plans for how you were going to contend with him. Every time I played him, even after he broke his leg, he was that much of a problem for us. So that’s kind of how I feel about BY.”

Robbie Tobeck: . . . One of the things that has always stood out to me about him was that he would go to wearing your ass out the entire game and never said a word, never talked. I played against both him and Stubby (Stubblefield) and the game plan was always to look for Bryant Young. Always double him. Even if the protection called to go the other way, as a center I would always hang back and make sure that if that guy wasn’t coming, I was there to help on Bryant, even if he was away from the protection. Then I went against him in Seattle, and he was the same player even as he got along in his career. One of the things that impressed me about him when he came into the League, he played a little nose guard there and he was a little on the small side for a nose guard. But gosh, he was so damn quick off the ball and would jump that count it would seem like. He created havoc for us when I was in Atlanta. Then in Seattle, same player. He had gotten bigger and stronger – he was all these things. What you hate as an offensive lineman is I don’t mind playing against a Warren Sapp type guy, who was a Hall of Fame guy and a great player, but you kind of knew what Warren was going to give you. You just had to try to stop it. But a guy like Bryant, you just didn’t know what he was going to give you. He could bring the power, he could bull rush you, he could beat you with quickness, he had a great counter move, he was the total package. For me, he’s one of the guys I have the utmost respect for 13, 14 years in the League where I played against him, we always had to account for him. Doesn’t matter what team I was on – good, bad or whatever, we had to account for Bryant Young. He was just a hell of a football player and a guy who really garnered a lot of respect. I was fortunate enough to play with quite a few Hall of Famers and against quite a few, and he’s on the top of my list.

Adam Timmerman: I personally scouted him more than anybody else. I prepared more that week. You knew you were in for a long day, and you wanted to get started off on the right foot. He had that quick little thing he did with his feet. You guys who have blocked him know what I’m talking about. He’d chatter those feet a little bit and then he’d have that club move. If you gave him one hand, he’d knock that one off and be gone. . . Bryant was just so quick, and he had that power move combined with the quickness that he was going to close in on the quarterback. He was probably not going to get away unless you had Michael Vick at the time. When people ask me who were the best guys you ever played against from 1995 to 2006, I’d say the best defensive players were inside. I say John Randle, Bryant Young and Warren Sapp, those three and in that order. Bryant was John Randle without all the talking. He did his talking with his pads. Nothing but respect for him. A classy guy. Made great plays, worked his butt off. You never heard about it, he just did it quietly. Maybe that hurts him now in Hall of Fame voting, I don’t know how all that works. I just know he was a classy guy who I have a lot of respect for, who played his butt off. You were in for a long day, and you had better come prepared and ready to work all day or he was going to wear you out.

Kevin Gogan: (on practicing against Bryant) They didn’t put in the paper what happened on Wednesday and Thursday. I was pretty happy about that.

I completely agree with everything that has been said here, except for the fact that Adam said about the order of his top three players. I agree with the top three players. What I don’t agree with is…Bryant Young was a beast on the run. He could play both (pass and run) equally as well. . . . BY did equally as well on the pass and the run. There was no play off and there was no break whatsoever. The crazy part about it is, I go to San Francisco in my 10th season, and you go to one-on-one pass rush. I had this coach Bobb McKittrick, older guy, we’d look over and I’d be one on one with BY. Bobb would go, ‘Oh, Kevin, looks like you drew the short stick again.’ That’s not much of a confidence builder by any means. BY, his effort at practice and why he was so good in the games was he pushed himself like I have never seen anybody else push themselves. I’ve seen Jerry Rice, I saw Michael Irvin, I played with a lot of amazing players, but the desire to be great and the will to come back from that injury I can’t say enough about the guy. You guys talk about what a wonderful person he is, I can vouch for that. The guy is an amazing guy. He’s that guy you look at the calendar at the beginning of the year and say, “Oh, fuck.” I got to play the dude . . . If you start comparing him to the greats in the Hall of Fame, he could control the game from the defensive tackle position

Jerry Fontenot: . . . The guy just dictated what offenses called. I know he did with our offense. . . . I had my eyes all over Bryant Young all day long. Our tackles did too. . . . He played every play to the fullest that I ever played against. And when he knocked me on my ass, he’d be kind enough to get me back up. I have nothing but respect for the guy. There comes a point where you have to do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. This guy, even though he doesn’t advocate for himself and wasn’t flashy, he was the guy who was an unbelievable force. The amount of respect he has garnered from you guys, and some of you are Hall of Fame players and rightfully so, this guy deserves to be in the Hall of Fame at the end of the day. Based on what’s in there at his position now. Period.

Adam Timmerman: He was a game changer. And I agree with Kevin as far as against the run BY might be the top out of those three I mentioned – Randle, Sapp, BY. Against the run, he could launch himself in there and had the power to withstand and take on a double team. Looking at him he wasn’t a big menacing guy, but he could hold his own against a double team. He played the run harder than those guys.


Adam Timmerman: . . . It’s hard to define. You probably can’t really go off the stats, but you know it when they’re on the field because you know they’re at. And you knew where BY was at, that’s for sure.

Mark Schlereth: You break the huddle the first thing you do is you find that dude. He’s a find that guy. . . Like I said before and I’ll say it again, I don’t know exactly what a Hall of Famer is, but I know what one is when I see him, and BY is a Hall of Famer.

Kevin Gogan: All I can say is by the guidelines that are drawn for Hall of Famers by putting Sapp in there and John Randle. That’s how I know he’s a Hall of Famer. That’s it right there. The measuring stick I’m judging him against, he far exceeds both those players and I have the utmost respect for both those players.
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Hail Casares
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Re: Bryant Young HoF

Post by Hail Casares »

I read zero of that wall of text defending that liar, Schlereth.

Who else knows who was lying about having played against Bryant Young. Too bad we can't go back and vet all this before voting.
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Re: Bryant Young HoF

Post by JohnTurney »

Hail Casares wrote:It appears the Broncos and Niners played in the preseason a few times during their respective tenures. Most often early in the preseason when starters barely played. One game appears to be a split-squad scrimmage of some kind.

This is getting hilarious.

Maybe Bryant Young made some pre-season All Pro teams or something to help bolster his resume.
Geez. Such nastiness.

And no, BY never took off, and preseason was not like it was. And if you dare to call him a liar, go ahead
I am sure he can tell you his opinion. both Twitter and Instrgram @markschlereth

LOL, it would be fun to see you do it.
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Hail Casares
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Re: Bryant Young HoF

Post by Hail Casares »

Andy Piascik wrote: John, I brought Perry up because of the ridiculous choice of Young instead of him to the 1990s team. If it's been proven that Schlereth lied, I think you'd have to admit that undermines your position some. And regarding another point you raised, it would be a real crying shame if Young is in because he had a highly visible well-oiled PR campaign working on his behalf and that Perry, the clearly superior HOF candidate, is left out to dry because he had no such thing (and I'm not saying necessarily Perry should be in the HOF, though I'm becoming more and more convinced he should largely because of those amazing five first team all-pros on the experts' Sporting News team). Setting aside our disagreements about whether Young should be in or whether Young or Perry or anybody else is more deserving, I sure hope you would agree that we have sunk pretty low if it's now down to whether a player has a high profile, well-oiled PR campaign working on his behalf or not.
Hypothetically, this might make Perry's induction easier if all we have to do is find some people who we can have lie about playing against him and say how great he was.

I just got a new 2022 project!
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Re: Bryant Young HoF

Post by JohnTurney »

Hail Casares wrote:I read zero of that wall of text defending that liar, Schlereth.

Who else knows who was lying about having played against Bryant Young. Too bad we can't go back and vet all this before voting.
LOL, you're funny.
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Hail Casares
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Re: Bryant Young HoF

Post by Hail Casares »

JohnTurney wrote:
Hail Casares wrote:It appears the Broncos and Niners played in the preseason a few times during their respective tenures. Most often early in the preseason when starters barely played. One game appears to be a split-squad scrimmage of some kind.

This is getting hilarious.

Maybe Bryant Young made some pre-season All Pro teams or something to help bolster his resume.
Geez. Such nastiness.

And no, BY never took off, and preseason was not like it was. And if you dare to call him a liar, go ahead
I am sure he can tell you his opinion. both Twitter and Instrgram @markschlereth

LOL, it would be fun to see you do it.
I'm typing the DM right now. Can I mention you by name?
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Re: Bryant Young HoF

Post by JohnTurney »

Hail Casares wrote: I'm typing the DM right now. Can I mention you by name?
you can, he won't know me from Adam, but I am sure he has a valid reason for saying what he said.
will follow it up here to see what he says to you.

Mark works here----here are his could also get in touch with him there
Program Director-Raj Sharan . Email Address:
Executive Producer-Parker Hillis . Email Address:
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Hail Casares
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Re: Bryant Young HoF

Post by Hail Casares »

JohnTurney wrote:
Hail Casares wrote:It appears the Broncos and Niners played in the preseason a few times during their respective tenures. Most often early in the preseason when starters barely played. One game appears to be a split-squad scrimmage of some kind.

This is getting hilarious.

Maybe Bryant Young made some pre-season All Pro teams or something to help bolster his resume.
Geez. Such nastiness.

And no, BY never took off, and preseason was not like it was. And if you dare to call him a liar, go ahead
I am sure he can tell you his opinion. both Twitter and Instrgram @markschlereth

LOL, it would be fun to see you do it.
Also, dug up some 1996 49er preseason games. Starters are being pulled in the second quarter of week two preseason games. End of Q1 in the first games etc. P similar to now. Elvis Grbac to Tommy Vardell is an intriguing combination.
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Hail Casares
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Re: Bryant Young HoF

Post by Hail Casares »

JohnTurney wrote:
you can, he won't know me from Adam, but I am sure he has a valid reason for saying what he said.
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