Most Replied To Thread of PFRAForum v.2 Started by ronfitch

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Most Replied To Thread of PFRAForum v.2 Started by ronfitch

Post by oldecapecod11 »

Most Replied To Thread of PFRAForum v.2
Started by ronfitch, Yesterday, 04:11 PM

2 replies to this topic

#1 ronfitch
Forum Visitors
Posted Yesterday, 04:11 PM
As this version of the forum closes down tomorrow, if you check to see which thread had the most replies
it is Hail Casares' somewhat recent "Historical Misconceptions that 'grind your gears'" thread:


Began in June of this year, the thread went 13 pages. Seems fitting for the group - nice work, all y'all.

#2 oldecapecod 11
PFRA Member
Posted Yesterday, 04:17 PM
It has been saved - 13 pages.

#3 ronfitch
Forum Visitors
Posted Yesterday, 05:18 PM
oldecapecod 11, on 10 Oct 2014 - 4:17 PM, said:
It has been saved - 13 pages.

Well played, Oldecapecod, well played.
"It was a different game when I played.
When a player made a good play, he didn't jump up and down.
Those kinds of plays were expected."
~ Arnie Weinmeister
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