Honestly, it almost seems as if the committee purposely picked the 10 worst options available with an eye towards how difficult it would be to enshrine them via subsequent Senior nominations. Of course if that were uniformly the case, Cecil Isbell and Tommy Nobis would have been enshrined instead of Duke Slater and Cliff Harris. Seriously, I can't think of any other rationale for this group. But seven of the snubs were the best available options: Dilweg, Wistert, Lewellen, Emerson, Gradishar, Branch, Pearson.JohnTurney wrote:If Goose means what he says --"all 20 are HOFers, it's a matter of when"
Then the 2-1-2-1-2-1-2 thing starts in 2021 so (I think we're on 2)
over next 3 years 5 of these guys should get in
And besides, seems rumors are true that this was all
a setup to get Tagliabue in without having to face the full
I sincerely hope Gosselin means what he suggests in getting all these guys enshrined. Of course, there's no guarantee for any of them, and he could be just saying what he thinks people who feel screwed over want to hear. Who knows?
Also, was wondering if they're going to return to the 2-1-2-1-2-1 format. Two seniors and one coach/contributor would make more sense. Or maybe we haven't inducted every non-HoF owner except Ralph Hay yet?