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Post by oldecapecod11 »


The following message was posted some time ago no one opted to respond. Is a PFRA Membership as a gift a bad idea?

An answer to that message would be a matter of common courtesy so tomorrow an open letter to Roy Sye will be posted since a reply is a different thread indicated he has a concern for membership and is aware of its status.

In the meantime, this concern is for RENEWAL.

An attempt was made to renew via the website and there is NO OPTION for RENEWAL.

It simply requests information to "JOIN PFRA" (which will come later as a Christmas gift.)

So, can anyone advise how we can renew on-line - or - must that be done via regular mail?

Regular mail is not a problem if the matter will only be made known.

Thank you.


by oldecapecod 11 » Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:16 am


The turkey may be getting fat but I am not concerned about tossing a penny in the old man's hat.

I am thinking more about Christmas.

I encourage a couple of lurkers here (maybe more than a couple) and have decided to give at least one a first-year membership to the PFRA. (Who knows? Maybe we won't suffer the anticipated 30% loss of members?)
Doing this in the past seemed practically impossible unless one aggravated the dickens out of Ken so I refrained. I gave him enough grief with my own name changes, etc.

Anyway, my thought is to do it thusly.

Send the appropriate payment to the office of the Treasurer and include the name of the recipient only - with his mailing address for renewal purposes.
The recipient can later select whatever e-mail account he wishes to use. In fact, we have never exchanged an e-mail - simply talk on the telephone. Remember those things?


Register the Member with a password and enroll him similarly at the Forum.

Send this data to my friend and advise him to change whatever he wishes.
(This is the part that seemed almost impossible at the old store but seems doable here.)

Once he is operational and sees what is available, it will be up to him to renew.
(I am sure he will. The guy I am thinking of never lets a notice go unpaid.)

So, if any of you have ever done this - in either capacity - please share anything that might make the process easier.

Frankly, we seem to have staff people to do everything including counting bottle caps so I am surprised - very surprised - we do not have some sort of "Membership Director" or some such flamboyant title?
That seems to make sense - especially for an outfit that suffers a 30% loss?
We could have a form or process for buying a "Gift Membership / Subscription" and it just might work?

How many gifts are you going to buy that cost only $35. or less?
Not very many.
Even the old carton of cigarettes stand-by is well over $50. and nobody admits to smoking anymore.

What an easy way to take care of a bunch of those on your gift list - and - they will think of you all year through...


Thank you...
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Post by cdwillis »

Just a follow up to this issue. PFRA Members will be able to renew their membership by regular mail to our PFRA address or by our website through our PayPal
link just like last year. Hope this clairfy any questions,

Chris Willis
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Post by oldecapecod11 »

by cdwillis » Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:20 am
"... I guess you don't know but NOBODY is getting paid to do this job or any Board responibilities..."

Please, do not presume to list things I do not know. The number is far too great.
I can assure you, however, I am well aware that the message has been screamed enough times about nobody getting paid.
It is not the news of the day.


"... One of the first assginments for the new Board was to find a new webmaster and build a new site since we had to replace our old webmaster and we had an extremely out-dated website with a old server that was about to break down. That was done this summer/fall to the best of our abilities and under the budget we are given. The website was just launched on Oct. 12th and to be expected their were a few minor glitches..."

What appears to be evident is that seven people are scurrying about and struggling to do what had previously been accomplished by ONE PERSON in his spare time.
I would not classify the loss of HUNDREDS (maybe thousands) of pages filled with data a "minor glitch."
I might be inclined to say carelessness, foolishness, maybe even stupidity? Who knows?
We will never know the Truth.
I would not classify the troublesome access to the new site by far more than one person a minor glitch.
I might be inclined to say a lack of concern.


"... To make life easier for you, the Renew/Join PFRA button is up and ready to use..."

Really? The first image shows there in NO Renew button?

The second image shows the message shown when the "Add to Cart" selection is made.
(The BLACK BOX outline is mine.)

(Hmmm... the order of the images might be incorrect. I have never inserted two images until today. mea culpa)

"... So if you still want to complain, ask questions, and continue to tear down some of the work that volunteers are doing (some of the volunteer Board members have been members for 20 years) then be my guest..."

It is humorous that you join "complain, ask questions" because the major complaint is that questions are not answered and, for the most part, are ignored.
Your accusation of "continue to tear down" is rude, crude, and totally without justification (but not unexpected.)
The "tearing down" probably includes the saving of approximately 350 threads that you so willingly were ready to trash.

When you talk about tearing down, look in the mirror.
You first accessed the forum September 15 but waited until mid-October to tell the membership of the mess and the "minor glitches."


"... Just becasue a few problems have arosed with the launch of a new website doesn't mean the Board (and in particular me) isn't working on the problems. Especially since all of us our volunteers. Sorry for any inconvenience to members who have had problems. This was not done on purpose. We are getting to all requests and suggestions..."

I cannot imagine what "arosed" and if there was a tad of openness it might have been less of an inconvenience.
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"It was a different game when I played.
When a player made a good play, he didn't jump up and down.
Those kinds of plays were expected."
~ Arnie Weinmeister
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