I, too, turned it off by halftime but for a different reason - it was bedtime. When I was younger I religiouslyJohn Maxymuk wrote:Bob, it's funny you say that. I too looked forward to watching that game, but turned it off before halftime for the same reasons you gave. For that matter, I didn't care much for last year's Super Bowl either. Offense is fun to watch, but not so much when the defense is so hamstrung by one-sided rules that making a defensive stand is nearly impossible. I much prefer more of a mix of offense and defense and hope things evolve back in that direction.
stayed up to the end of Monday Night Football even if the game ended near 1 am and I had work the next day.
Now, I find that sleep is a greater priority than any televised sport although I DVR most games and will often watch them
the next day or two.
And don't get me started about baseball - growing up in NYC it was my number 1 priority - during the 1990s after
the sixth or seventh strike I said baseball which was once my dearest friend just passed away. I stopped following it