I don't dislike it because when you combine these results with the regular season results, it should knock down the teams that do well in the regular season but do not do well in the Super Bowl down to a degree. I just spent the past hour playing around with my spreadsheet trying a dozen different variations, such as .5, 1.5, 3.5 and 4.5 instead of 1,2,3 and 4, but no matter how I weigh them, the mid-70's Vikings always wind up with a weighted postseason record around .5000. i adjusted it so the four numbers have to equal sixteen, so if a team wins the Super Bowl, it gives them a 16-0 record, which seems fair and should equal the number of regular season games. In that weighting scheme, the Super Bowl winner comes in at plus one in a wild card season or plus one in a non-wild card season. Even weighing the four at 1,2,6 and 7, instead of 1,2,3 and 4, the Vikings still finish in about the same place. Perhaps it is too harsh, but on the other hand, you might be able to weigh regular season twice wins and losses at 2X and the adjusted wins and losses at 1X. I do think a weighted postseason win should equal a weighted postseason loss.Todd Pence wrote:Rupert Patrick wrote:Here is a list of teams with aggregate three-year regular season records above .7500, ranked, with Wins, Losses, Ties, and Winning Percentage (W,L,T,WPCT). I also added columns for Postseason Wins and Losses (PW, PL) during the three-year span. In addition, I came up with a Weighted Postseason Wins and Losses (WW, WL) which I calculated from taking Wild Card wins and losses during the span, multiplying by one, Divisional wins and losses and multiplying by two, Conference Championship wins and losses and multiplying by three, and Super Bowl wins and losses and multiplying by four. I then came up with Adjusted Wins and Losses, where I added regular season wins and losses to the weighted wins and losses. AT is adjusted ties which is the same as ties since there are no postseason ties. I created an Adjusted Winning Percentage (APCT) and the final column is the rank of the 78 team-eras listed.
I think this ranking system has a major flaw in that it perhaps penalizes teams too much for losing postseason games. For example, a team who won their divisional game and won their conference championship will get five wins credited for those achievements, but if they lose the Super Bowl, they have four of those credited victories taken away, leaving them with just one. Perhaps keep the win scale as you have suggested, but keep each playoff loss as only one no matter the magnitude.
Best three year run of any team since the merger.
- Rupert Patrick
- Posts: 1746
- Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2014 7:53 pm
- Location: Upstate SC
Re: Best three year run of any team since the merger.
"Every time you lose, you die a little bit. You die inside. Not all your organs, maybe just your liver." - George Allen